Thursday 5 February 2015

Teaming up and grouping together

Although it’s never something to be encouraged, the last-minute assignment rush, where time seems to speed up tenfold and everything becomes a bit of a blur, certainly never grows boring! Last week, as the hours ticked down until the Group Design Project report deadline (with a suitably ominous countdown clock displayed on the computer lab’s front screen!), it seemed plenty of other project teams, scattered throughout the labs, agreed with me and my team!

It wasn’t that we weren’t ready to hand the report in or weren’t happy with it at the time, but rather we were trying to make every minute before the deadline count, as can often be the case in real-world projects! After all, when the time is there, and after days of meeting up to write, edit and format, you never know which extra diagram, paragraph or newly-found mistake (there can be a few typos in 25,000 words!) will get you that additional mark or two which might make the difference. There’s always a temptation to have that one last proof-read or check up on the references and appendices, even if it risks running it close to the line overall.

When it finally went in though, after many days (and, admittedly, nights!) of work, worries and meetings, there were the typical sighs of relief all round from me and my teammates – followed by the usual sudden curious onset of not really knowing what to do!

It’s always a strange feeling after a large assignment has gone in as, up to that point, it’s very often the only think you’ve really thought of for a while! Moments after the automatic electronic hand-in receipt had made its way to our email inboxes, though, we decided to go on a celebratory trip to the Students’ Union pub, The Stag's, for a well-earned pint and couple of hours of rest and relaxation!

 The traditional dissertation hand-in ‘selfie’ with my group – this time, a little more exhausted!

I’ve written about the concept of the Group Design Project – working on a project typically stemming from an industry-based problem (for example, ours was developing a telemedicine approach to cochlear implant monitoring - so it has the potential to hopefully make a big difference to people’s lives!) over the course of three months, before writing up a large report of your findings – but somehow, even in the final week and a half, it managed to surprise me.

Although I’ve worked in a few groups over the course of my degree programme here, as it’s a great skill to develop, this time round felt a little different. Despite the amount of ground we managed to cover in a very short time, we strangely found that we were all having a great time as a team despite the pressure of the impending deadline, which was a testament to the solid understanding and camaraderie we’d formed as a working unit over the previous fortnight or so.

Likewise, the Performing Arts is a fantastic place in which you learn the value of teamwork, not least when you’re organising shows as a Director or Producer! Quite a lot goes into putting them on, from actually learning, rehearsing, teaching, devising and designing their on-stage presence to getting tickets sold, publicity materials distributed, and all other manner of tasks to get them in the theatre in the first place. It’s a fantastic challenge to tackle with friends, and one which truly tests your organisational, creative and personal abilities.

So it’s with that I’m delighted to say, following the latest round of pitches (where society members compete for the right to put on shows) of the musical theatre society, Showstoppers, I’ll be attempting both Directing and Producing at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe for the first time this year, having gone as a performer previously in 2013 and 2014. This will be a huge challenge, but a potentially incredible and invaluable experience which will make for an unforgettable summer once again!

The team of The Craft of the Cooper, coming to an Edinburgh Fringe 2015 near you!

Last but certainly not least, I’m currently writing in the middle of intensive rehearsal period for the latest production I’ve been lucky enough to have a part in, the Students’ Union Theatre Group’s rendition of Shakespeare’s timeless tale Romeo & Juliet. Taking place in the magnificent venue of the Nuffield Theatre on Highfield Campus from February 11th – 14th, it’s yet another show that has been a pleasure to be involved with, and it’s been great to meet, get to know and act alongside yet another hilarious, friendly and talented set of people; a great mixture of old faces and new.

No rest for the wicked – Romeo & Juliet is in the Nuffield Theatre between February 11th-14th, and we’d love to see you there if you get the chance!

Teamwork is a huge part of University life. I work with many groups of different sizes, all of which are brilliant to be a part of, both within my degree and in my spare time. I can’t wait to see what they all come up with – and some, given deadlines, sooner than others!


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