Tuesday 31 March 2015

Pure Dance and garden parties

During the first weekend of the Easter break I met up with two of my friends from last year’s contemporary dance squad to go and watch Pure Dance 2015. For those of you who don’t know, Pure Dance is a massive show put on once a year to showcase performances from all of the University’s different dance societies including street dance, ballet, jazz dance, breakdance, ballroom and Latin, tap dance, belly dancing and bhangra.

The show covers performances from each level within the different dance societies so that everyone has a chance to perform a routine, demonstrate what they’ve been learning over the year and how much they’ve improved. The University’s competition dance squads also perform at the show.

With so many different dance societies and several routines being performed from each society from beginner’s level to advanced dancers, the show ended up being almost three hours long! This was my first time watching the show, as for the past two years I’ve been a performer. It was a fun new experience and I have to say the show went by unbelievably quickly - it didn’t feel like three hours at all!

I really enjoyed watching some of my dance friends from last year and checking out some of the new talent that has joined this year. As always, I was blown away with the squad routines, and after watching everyone I realised how much I miss dancing. I think I will probably try and take a couple of classes after the Easter break before exams begin and we end for summer.

Setting up before the show begins in the O2 Guildhall. 

This year the show was held at the O2 Guildhall in Southampton which was really exciting. In the past two years that I was in the show it has always been in the Turner Sims Concert Hall which is located on campus. My friends and I arrived a little bit early so we could wish some of our friends good luck before the performance began.

Now one week of the Easter break has already passed (I feel like I say this in every blog post but time is passing by far too quickly!). As I mentioned in my last blog post I’m staying in Southampton rather than going back to Sweden for Easter and have been working on my third year project. However, I have also found some fun things to do as a break from project work! Some of the people from the Kickboxing Society are also still around in Southampton so I’ve managed to fit in two kickboxing sessions which is a great dissertation break and a way to relieve stress!

I also went to an awesome get-together at a friend’s house (who I’ve known since first year). We also happen to be doing the same course, but because biology is quite a broad discipline we’ve chosen quite different modules so it’s actually been a while since I saw her last. She organised the night with a group of friends and they really put in a lot of effort. There was lots of food, a small fire people could sit around outside, and several of the guys brought guitars and were playing music outside. People were dancing and singing, and they also moved the sofas into the back garden and put up lanterns and lights. It was fantastic. I got to meet a lot of new people and had a lot of fun. Again, a great way to take a break from work for a night.

They went to a lot of effort so that everyone would have a great night! 

Many people left to go home on Sunday so my house is feeling rather empty. I’ll also be taking a short stay away from Southampton later in the week to visit my Auntie so I’ll be spoiled with some of her home cooking for a few days! Until then, it’s back to work on my third year project. While there is still a lot to do, it feels good when you can see parts coming together.


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