Tuesday 23 February 2016

The joys of volunteering: Student Volunteering Week 2016

This week is Student Volunteering Week, so I figured it would be the perfect time to talk about the wonders of what volunteering has to offer. As a student you’ll no doubt find that, when it comes to applying for anything, whether it be a full-time job or even just a shot at some freelance work, experience is everything. This is where volunteering comes in mighty handy.

Sadly, it’s pretty uncommon nowadays to be handed opportunities on a whim. Most employers and companies like to see what you’re capable of doing, and the best way to show this off is through things you’ve done in the past. Not only does volunteering give you these ridiculously useful experiences, but it also, a lot of the time, actually does some good too.

The term ‘volunteering’ seems to have become synonymous more recently with the idea of unpaid work, and whilst this is largely true, there is always a value to it beyond the financial. Whether it be the aforementioned experience factor, the sense of achievement you can get from carrying out certain tasks, or even just that warm feeling inside from knowing that you’ve helped make something, volunteering has many upsides.

Here’s the important bit though: you should never volunteer because you feel like you have to. There is always a choice. Giving up your time for free to help with a project can be one of the best things you ever do, but if your heart’s really not in it, then it can also be something of a mental and physical drain.

One of the wonders of volunteering is that everyone is involved because they want to be, and they feel passionately about the project they’re involving themselves with. Working with like minded people in this way is encouraging and offers a whole load of different perks, but if you’re not into it, don’t force it, the results will never be the same. No one will blame you or look down on you for not taking on a volunteering role, it’s entirely your own choice. Surround yourself with things that you enjoy and want to immerse yourself in, and if there’s a way to volunteer within that window, that’s great!

Being surrounded by like minded individuals at meetings for The Edge always makes me feel fulfilled

For example, particularly between my second and third year, I’ve taken on a whole range of volunteering roles, but they have all been things that I’ve felt passionate about. I’ve always been interested in writing and entertainment, so taking on an editing role with The Edge magazine felt like just an extension of my hobbies. My volunteer role helps a publication and, at the same time, enriches my own life, through experience and being surrounded by similarly enthused and encouraging people.

The biggest source of volunteering in the University is obviously through the hundreds of societies operating out of SUSU. Whether your interests stem to sports, activism or even event planning, there’s always a way to get involved and lend a hand. It doesn’t stop here though; there are countless other ways to volunteer too, with charities, local events, or even the University itself. It’s always wise to keep an eye open for things that excite you, there might be a way to focus your interests into helping others.

On a related note, back in November Emma talked about recycling around campus, and this Wednesday 28th February there’s actually a way to get involved with helping sustainability at the University. The 10th annual Waste Wars will be coming to building 58A on Highfield Campus from 2pm, so if you’re passionate about recycling and fancy lending a helping hand, drop an email to sustainability@susu.org.

Either way, whether you to choose to embark on something new or even just think about it, a happy Student Volunteering Week to all!


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