Wednesday 2 March 2016

International Women's Day 2016 - a little tribute

I know I’m a bit early, since the International Women’s Day actually isn’t until next week. But, by being a bit early, I have the opportunity to remind you that International Women’s Day is next Tuesday. Furthermore, next week will be International Women’s Week on campus, with the University celebrating social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

This, however, is not a blog post where my inner feminist will make an appearance; this is a tribute to some women I find inspiring and some encouragement for you to think about the inspiring women in your life and maybe, if possible, give them an extra thought on the 8th March.

There are so many incredible women we meet on a daily basis without even thinking about it. This might sound strange to some, but in Norway I have only seen a female bus driver on the buses in Oslo twice in my life. When I came to England and Southampton that was one of the first things I noticed; the bus driver was female. And it wasn’t just her, there were several of them driving the Uni-link buses I took and still take to campus. I found it very cool to see so many women in what I always regarded as such a man-dominated profession.

However, inspiring people and especially women are everywhere. One of my lecturers here at Southampton, who always finds the time to throw in an anecdote or two that suddenly gives the content we are learning about a new meaning or just a humorous touch, is one of them.

Of all the inspiring women out there, I dedicate this blog post to my inspiration; my mum/mamma. I imagine most girls have a special bond to their mum and I’m no different to say at least. Mum, I’m lucky to call you my best friend as well as my mum and when I was made aware that International Women’s Day was coming up there was no doubt I wanted to write a post about it, and I wanted to write about you.

My mum inspires me, not only because she is my mum, but because she is one of the smartest people I know - apart from when it comes to using an iPhone or any new technology! I look at her and I see a 5’4” beautiful woman with so much knowledge and experience, which leaves me fascinated and proud – but also very appreciative.

I am appreciative that she always bought me and continues to buy me books, because knowledge is power. Appreciative that she dragged me through museum after museum on all our holidays together, so I could see for myself that Mona Lisa is a tiny painting, Van Gogh was clearly expressing his depression through his art and that the Stederjlikt museum in Amsterdam is one of the coolest places I have ever been. Appreciative that she gave me extra English lessons when I was younger, so I was always ahead in English class, and appreciative that she tried her best teaching me French pronunciations and grammar.

I could go on forever, but most of all I’m very appreciative that she never sugar-coats anything and always tells me how things are, but at the same time always give me continuous support.

See you soon, mum!


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