It seems like only yesterday I was writing about how much I was looking
forward to the start of a new term – but the next thing I know, we’re at the
tail end of one!
Time certainly flies at University, and it’s odd to think I’m nearing the
end of my second year here in Southampton. Although initially the days seemed
to tick by a bit slow when I was adapting to the independent life in Higher
Education (which seemed to be a mutual feeling amongst my friends elsewhere as
well), ever since I settled into it weeks have shot past like a whirlwind,
bringing some incredible experiences, achievements and opportunities along with
them – sometimes it feels like living in a bubble, separated from the outside
Take, for example, last week, during which I had the privilege and
honour of being part of the cast of SUSU Showstoppers’ Parade in the Nuffield Theatre. After having performed in a fair
few shows for the Theatre Group in the Annex Theatre, a fairly intimate
setting, the chance to move into the grand, professional venue was too good to
miss; it was certainly a shock to find we all had individual mirrors, seats and
desks in the dressing room, for example!
And although at first we took a bit of time getting used to throwing
our voices to the far rows, as technical details and scene change issues were
swiftly sorted by the staging society, I can’t express how proud a moment it
was to finish our first show in an explosion of beautiful music, and to be on
the other end of a standing ovation as a result.
Every single person in the cast played their part in a hugely
successful show, and all deserve the plaudits they received in the student
press and from audience members alike. And, from a personal perspective, I
didn’t cause any catastrophes or injuries in any of the dance numbers, which
was my own target all along!
The ensemble provided a great backdrop on which to paint the story –
although I was just happy to get by making relatively few mistakes! (Credit: Joe
So as we move into the holidays and the post-show blues kick into
overdrive with us all missing the catchy melodies, the buzzing atmosphere and,
most of all, the great friendships that being part of such a spectacle yielded,
I know I would do it all again in a heartbeat – although it’d have to be after
getting some much-needed sleep, I think!
I’m looking forward to meeting up with all my friends back home and
hearing their own tales of the past two months (everyone usually brings back a
corker or two!), spending some quality time with my family (and cats!), and
just relaxing and taking a breather from the frantic (and occasionally
frenetic!) lifestyle of University – although getting up before mid-day and
reverting back from a nocturnal timetable might be a shock to the system!
And as always with being a student, there’re things to be getting on
with once natural sleeping patterns have been restored, specifically a great
deal of coursework (with my own optimistic target to get one a week done)! Plus,
with exams on the horizon a month or so after we return (a month which involves
two more Theatre Group shows for me – no rest for the wicked!), a spot of
revision mightn’t go amiss!
With a four-week intermediate holiday included it’s always quite
difficult to plan work in advance for the second semester of the year, and
although last year it proved quite productive (but not enough!), this year I’m
hoping to make the most of it and get ahead of the game work-wise.
It’ll take great self-discipline – possibly more than I’ve shown in the
previous fortnight or so as fatigue has begun to take its toll – but if I
accomplish my goals, it should allow me to attack the examination period with
momentum and great gusto upon my return.
And, most importantly, I’d like to get some sleep whilst I’m at it! I
hope you all enjoy a well-deserved break!
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