Friday 11 April 2014

Learning new skills

It is amazing how terms at university seem to fly by. The January exams seem like yesterday, but here we are; already half way into our Easter break!

I mentioned previously that one of the modules I was doing this semester was a computing programming course. The first of two pieces of coursework was due in on the last Friday of term, so any hopes for a relaxing last week in Southampton before the holidays was quickly eradicated. The coursework involved me writing my own code to create a simulation of an interesting problem in the field of quantum mechanics. The results of the simulation then had to be written up in the style of a scientific report, just like a small dissertation.

Before the module my programming knowledge was very limited and although this module sounded interesting, it was with great trepidation that I opted to do it. I’m glad I did choose to take this course though, because by the end of the coursework, not only were my coding attempts successful, but people were actually asking me for help with their own projects! It is surprising just how quickly you can learn a new skill and this process has made me feel more confident about starting my masters next year.

After my report deadline on Friday, I was free to start enjoying my Easter break. In the evening SUSU were holding a roller disco in the Cube as part of RAG week, which sounded like a perfect way to round out the term with a few friends. RAG, which stands for Raise And Give, is a week of charity events and volunteering at the University, designed to encourage everyone to give no matter how big or small. So it felt great to know we weren’t just having fun by going to the roller disco, but actually donating money to charity at the same time!

I have only ever roller-skated a handful of times in my life, so to begin with my legs wobbled back-and-forth and gravity seemed to have complete control over me. After a couple of laps of the Cube and many quizzical glances at the feet of skaters who sped past me (not to mention a few spectacular falls), I gradually began to understand what I was doing wrong. Once I found the right rhythm and sorted out my balance issues, it wasn’t hard to skate a few laps competently. It seems I have learnt another new skill this semester; although I doubt it will come as in handy in the future as learning a computer language will!

However, that wasn’t the only RAG event I participated in during the last week of term. My girlfriend, who reads history here at the University of Southampton, invited me along to the Histsoc RAG pub quiz in Bedford Place. It felt strange being the only physicist amongst a sea of historians and although I was hoping for a science round, there, rather unsurprisingly, wasn’t one! Unfortunately we finished last; it turned out our collective knowledge of chart and indie music wasn’t really up to scratch!

Our quiz team posing with our last place prize!


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