Friday 16 January 2015

Making the most of 2015

It is now the end of the first week of exams and many people are finding that their workloads are diminishing and that the end is very much in sight! As I mentioned in my last blog post, my three exams this January are all in the second week of exams, so I’m still squeezing three module’s worth of revision in each day! Despite this, I’m pleased to say that revision is going well and I feel on top of all of my modules, even the Cosmology module that I’m taking.

On top of revision I have also started thinking about the year ahead. Not only have I started applying to the schemes that I’m interested in, but I have been thinking about the modules I’m taking next semester (which is only a week away!) and also what places and experiences that Southampton has to offer that I’m yet to say I’ve done. These thoughts were brought on by the sudden realisation that as 2014 transformed into 2015, this really is the final furlong of my University experience.

Throughout my four years in Southampton I have tried to immerse myself in as many different experiences as possible, so that when I do finally wave goodbye to the University in the summer, I can look back with no regrets. I came to the University with this motto in mind, allowing anyone at the Bunfight to persuade me to join their society.

I have found over my time here that I engaged the most with sports clubs, finding my way into the Southampton University Tchoukball team (a bizarre Swiss ball sport) in first year, before switching to Handball and finally joining the Physics Badminton team, in addition to trying out Ultimate Frisbee and Dodgeball along the way. Outside of sporting activities, I got involved with the Feminist Society, helped affiliate the Fancy Dress Society and this year joined the Art Society, so it’s fair to say that I have made the most out of the many different societies available at Southampton!

However, there are still several things that I would like to do and places I’d like to go; not in the form of societies, but in terms of places. At the end of the summer term last year I finally walked Southampton’s old town walls, which combine some great views with interesting history and architecture. However, I haven’t really seen too much of the old town within the walls, so I would like to take a proper look around and maybe visit some of the traditional pubs along the way!

View from the walls - it’s strange to think that this all used to be sea before the docks were built! 

There are also several music venues that I’m yet to visit, and with a constant stream of great bands gracing the city, I’m sure I will be able to find an excuse to step instead. The same can be said about the many unique restaurants that Southampton has to offer, from exciting Mexican spots to burger joints, there are still many I’m yet to try. One such eatery is the newly stylised Bar Three Diner in the Students’ Union, which was recently redecorated to resemble a 1950s American Diner with a menu to make anyone salivate! This is also the home to the Braveheart food challenge which has already reached levels of infamy across campus - part of me really wants to give it a go!

 SUSU's Bar Three Diner (Image courtesy of the University of Southampton)

Perhaps the single most important goal for me in 2015 is to simply enjoy my final few months in Southampton and to leave knowing that I’ve made the most of my time at University.


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