Tuesday 19 May 2015

A wonderful year of art

I’m writing this blog post on a Wednesday evening, which can only mean one thing; that ArtSoc (the University’s Art Society) sessions have finished for the year.

I decided to join ArtSoc when I saw their stall at the annual Freshers’ Week Bunfight, all the way back in September, when all societies get together to recruit new members. After the speed portrait drawing taster session, I decided to become a member, missing only one meeting all year! Since then I have met many new people and learnt some new skills, such as using oil paints and working with Plaster of Paris - but most importantly I have had a fantastic time with the society.

 A Ferrari Formula One car I made from a plastic bottle and Plaster of Paris

The two sessions we have had this term (they finished after two weeks to allow members to focus on revision instead) have been more relaxed affairs. The first of the two was for the society’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), which is a very important event for all societies, as it is where the new committee for the following year is formed and plans are made for the year ahead. In the end, the meeting was very quick and easy, as one person ran for every role that was available, making the voting process a piece of cake!

I was pleased to see a few of my friends who weren’t leaving this year taking on roles on the committee and I am confident that the society will only continue to grow! If I was staying another year I would have definitely run for something myself!

The second of the two sessions this semester was another ‘cheese, wine and charcoal’ night (the third of the year), which manages to combine my love of cheese (and I really do mean love – I was bought six types of cheese for my birthday by friends!) with my passion for art.

However, with all that cheese available, not much art was done. Instead it was nice to just sit around and chat for what was our last session of the year. Afterwards most members, including the new and old committees, all went out to celebrate a wonderful year and say goodbye to final year students who, like myself, are making their way into the ‘real’ world.

 A post-session sundae with ArtSoc friends before the Easter break. 

When I look back at my Masters year I can definitely say that the highlight has been joining ArtSoc, which makes me slightly regret not joining the society sooner. Nevertheless, I have met some brilliant people there, including someone who is equally into Mexican food and Formula One as I am (a strange combination of interests I know) and I will no doubt stay in contact with all of them after I’ve graduated.

Speaking of graduation, this week I ordered my Graduation robes and booked a ticket for the Park and Ride service that the University offers on the day. The ordering website required my measurements, but having no tape measure or string, I had to use my creative side and measure myself using strips of paper - the ArtSoc sessions proved useful in the end!

I will graduate on July 15th, which is the first day of the two week summer graduation period. Now that everything is booked it seems much more real.

All I need to do now is complete those pesky little things called exams over the next two weeks and graduation will become a reality. I cannot wait!


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