Friday 29 May 2015

Preparing for several new journeys

I’ve now finished my final exams of University which is really hard to believe! I think part of me still expects my University life to continue as usual after the summer. However, another part of me is preparing for several new journeys and adventures which is a good reminder that many things are about to change and my time at the University of Southampton is coming to an end.

Furthermore, while finishing University is still somewhat difficult to get used to, I have been enjoying celebrating end of exams. I’ve also been enjoying some free time to relax a little; eating out with friends, catching up with friends who I haven’t seen in a while and saying goodbye…

Many students are already moving back home and, seeing as I’ll soon be leaving for Europe (I’ll be gone for almost 20 days) then shortly afterwards flying to Australia, this may be the last chance I have to meet up with many of my University friends and say goodbye. Time passes so quickly and its times like these that you’re truly reminded of how fast it can go!

When I think back over the past three years, I’m happy that I’ve managed to see and do a lot! I wonder where I’ll be in three years’ time and if I’ll be as shocked as I am now as to how fast time passed!

Anyway, as I mentioned I’ll be leaving for Europe next week which is incredibly exciting. I’ve done a lot of travelling in the past but this will be the most I’ve travelled by train and the longest I would have survived with just one backpack! Packing is proving to be a challenge but I’m sure I can make it work.

In the past week I’ve been busy making final plans for the journey, checking trains, travel routes, things we definitely want to see and do… I really love travelling and I can’t wait to explore new cities and learn about new cultures.

I’ve also been packing up my room and sorting through my things. It’s amazing, I moved to the UK with just one suitcase and an additional bag and now I’ve somehow managed to accumulate over three suitcases-worth of things. My housemate and I will be back from Europe towards the end of June so I’ll have less than a week to prepare for my move to Australia.

I usually don’t think of myself as very materialistic but I have to admit it has been difficult deciding what to keep and what to give away (especially when it comes to my clothes!).

I’ve been taking some time to start thinking about what I want to do with my life now. I have some rough plans but I’m happy to have the next six months to really think about my future (the academic year in Australia is different to in the UK which is why I have the extra time)…and I’m very excited be seeing my family again soon!

Morning exercise on Southampton common, a good time to clear my head. 

In preparation for Europe and all the walking we’ll be doing I’ve also been trying to fit in some exercise in the mornings. Running on Southampton Common has helped to clear my mind at this busy time.

This is, unbelievably, my last blog post for Life at Southampton. I’m grateful to have been given to opportunity to join the team as a student blogger and have loved sharing my experiences at the University of Southampton. I hope you have enjoyed reading about what I’ve been doing over the past couple of years and I wish all new students all the best during their time at Southampton and as well as the new Life at Southampton student bloggers! I look forward to reading about your university experiences.

Goodbye for now, Southampton.


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