Thursday 6 August 2015

A fabulous occasion

Graduating from the University of Southampton was one of the most striking and wonderful events of my life, and not one I shall ever forget. On the 22nd July I graduated with a First Class Honours in BSc Population and Geography, it was my proudest moment.

Three years of hard work, and the most fun I have ever had culminated in shaking the Pro Vice Chancellors' hand on stage in front of my family, my course mates and their families. My entire family, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents and one cousin descended upon the Pimms tent on campus to celebrate with me. One thing the university does well is a grand occasion.

There were marquees, photographers and course specific receptions where parents and lecturers could mingle with free champagne, strawberries and cream!

So what am I doing writing for the University's student blog then, if my very first post is all about how I've just finished?

Well, I'm not quite ready to leave the University just yet, and have accepted an offer to study MSc Global Health within the department of Social Sciences, Statistics and Geography, prolonging my University experience by another year!

About me? It is an incredibly difficult task to sum yourself up in a few short sentences. Go on, think about what you would write - how you would describe yourself - without it sounding as though you have just copied the introductory sentences from your CV. What isn't on my CV, then, is that I love to sit (preferably in the sunshine) with a good book and an ice cream. My perfect night in would be spent with takeaway pizza, playing chess and scrabble with my best friend and then watching some TV.

In a former life I think I might have been a cat, as I am a firm supporter of having my back rubbed and taking naps in the afternoon!

During my time at Southampton I have been part of the Kickboxing Society, the Rifle Society and fundraised for the charity Marrow, another reason why I was so reluctant to finish my university career after three years!

During my time with Life at Southampton I hope to write about things relevant to postgraduate students, services available at the university, things going on in Southampton

...Like the time Mr B came to town ….

...Or the Carnival on the Common with £1 rides...

 ...internships and the great graduate job hunt, technology tips, and anything else that comes to mind.

I am incredibly excited about joining the student blogger team, and look forward to being a part of it for the next year!


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