Friday 11 December 2015

Homebound - my airport survival tips

It feels like it was only yesterday that my countdown for the Christmas holiday was at 55 days, hence why it is a bit surreal that today it’s now 0 days! Apart from the lovely Christmas decorations around campus and in the city centre, it doesn’t really feel like Christmas at all. Can you blame me, when it’s still 10+ degrees outside?

Apart from two deadlines after Christmas, I only have exams left and then Semester One of my second year is officially over. Time has flown by so fast; I keep asking myself why the time always seems to go by so extremely slowly when I’m going home, especially when I’m waiting at the airport.

I imagine most international students here at Southampton going home over Christmas will have to make the trip to one of the London airports, and so I have made a list of my best tips on how to make the most out of the time it takes to get home!

A very familiar view …

Firstly, why not google the airport you’re going from and see what you can do. All webpages have some sort of overview with shops, restaurants and other services. This will allow you to plan a bit ahead if you know you’re going to have a long wait.

Secondly, the obvious one: do some work! As a lot of my required readings can be found online I like to download them in advance and read when I have a spare moment. Remember to use a VPN when you’re off campus so you have full access, or consider the Southampton Virtual Environment (SVE). Airports are full of places to drink a coffee or have a meal and you can get work done too. The time you have to wait at the airport can actually be very productive. I personally wouldn’t be able to write an essay if there’s too much noise around me, but I have no trouble reading. Waiting to board or even being on the aeroplane is a great time for me to get ahead with my reading.

The painful one: window-shopping. This is the way I easily make 30-40 minutes fly by in what feels like a second. Although mostly not affordable, you can find all the high-class brands in almost every airport, so I usually go around looking at nice things I can’t afford and motivate myself to work hard so I can buy something like that in the future. Besides, if nothing else, you’re at least walking around the airport instead of sitting down doing nothing, which is bound to be boring.

The luxurious one: go to a lounge. If you have a lot of spare time or you’re travelling far away, you can go to a lounge. If you don’t have a fancy loyalty card of some sort, you will probably have to pay a bit, but it could be worth it if you want somewhere quiet and peaceful to wait or do work. I know some lounges allows you to have a shower or go to the gym, so why not if you have a good couple of hours to kill before you fly?

Regardless of whether you’re flying, driving, taking the train or walking home for Christmas, I want to wish everyone a happy holiday.

If you’re not going home for Christmas and staying in Southampton or Winchester, remember that there are loads of events going on during the holiday and plenty of festive things to do in the city.

I’m super excited to be back in January 2016, but until then I shall recharge my batteries promptly for the exams and the new semester.


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