Wednesday 16 December 2015

How to organise your Christmas revision

Remember when you were at school, and a holiday was actually a holiday? Sure, you might have had a bit of homework to do, but for the most part you were free as a bird. Those were the days. For me the Christmas break now seems less like a holiday and more like a couple of weeks to finish coursework and start revising.

It can actually be really difficult trying to organise your work at Christmas; you can either sacrifice the whole holiday - except for maybe Christmas and Boxing Day - to dreaded coursework, or you can do what you actually want to do and catch up with friends and family. For me, it’s tricky finding the balance, particularly as I don’t go home very often. This is my only chance to see people who I won’t see again until Easter, but the workload that comes along with doing a Masters degree leaves little time for doing much else.

My balance comes with accepting that sometimes work is going to have to take a backseat, and I will just relax and try to forget about it for a little while. Other days I’ll have to ignore my Mum’s pleas to help her in the kitchen or go shopping and actually get some work done.

Something that has really helped me is delaying my trip home until the end of this week, giving me a few days to catch up on last minute Christmas shopping, finish tutoring for the year and get some coursework sorted. Whilst my parents aren’t so happy that I’ve decided to stay in Southampton a little longer, at least once I get home I can actually be with my family, rather than constantly having to say ‘oh sorry I can’t come with you, I have to stay home and get this work done….’

Even then, trying to get work done at home is not the easiest thing. Here in Southampton I have the library and my desktop computer. At home I have an endless supply of baking materials, and chickens and ducks to look after. Plus, my parents have told me they are buying micro pigs - so no doubt they will be an endless distraction over the winter break!

There won’t be much room for anything else in my suitcase….

Whatever work you have to do, make sure you enjoy the Christmas break and take some time away from work to de-stress and relax with your family and friends. January exams will be upon us before we know it!

Merry Christmas!


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