Friday 8 April 2016

The importance of student feedback

The end of the year is fast approaching and for the teaching staff at the University of Southampton this means wrapping up modules, running revision classes and trying to get students to fill in the module evaluations. However not many students actually fill these in, and I’m not sure why.

If you think that the feedback won’t be taken into account that’s totally not the case. Throughout my time here I have always admired how seriously the lecturers have taken feedback about their classes and endeavour to improve things.

If you do have any concerns about a class you are taking, perhaps you feel that the deadline for coursework is too soon, or you haven’t received enough feedback on a piece of coursework you have handed in you can either talk to the lecturer directly or speak to your student rep. In my experience, lecturers at Southampton have always been incredibly responsive to student’s issues and have changed lecture plans or organised extra sessions to make sure that students are as prepared as possible for coursework or exams.

If you don’t feel comfortable going to the lecturer directly then you can always talk to your student rep. This is a particularly good idea if there if there is a group of you with a problem; rather than all contacting the lecturer individually, the student rep can collect your feedback and present it directly on your behalf.

The feedback system at Southampton is something that I have always really admired. When I came here I never expected the staff to be so responsive to the class’s thoughts, and they are incredibly helpful when it comes to revision. For instance, all lecturers have office hours where you can go and ask any questions that you have, but if there is a large group of students who need extra help, why not ask if you can arrange an extra revision class during the lecturer’s office hours?

In other news, there are a couple of extra things that didn’t warrant a blog post all of their own so I’ll include them in here. Think of this as two mini blog posts in one!

Bournemouth in the sunshine

It wasn’t quite bikini weather

Last week I invited my sister to come and stay with me and my partner for a couple of days. We don’t see each other very often so it was a real treat to see her. To convince ourselves that we really were on holiday, we booked into a hotel in Bournemouth just for one night and got the train there from Southampton. We had loads of fun wandering around the town.

If you haven’t been to Bournemouth from Southampton yet, you really should try and go because it’s incredibly pretty and such a good day out when the sun is shining. Of course, being March it was bright sunshine in the morning but torrential rain in the afternoon, so we retreated to the hotel to make use of the spa services before going out to dinner.

Completely out of the blue I got a text from my Aunt yesterday saying that she and my cousins were going to be in Southampton for the evening and would I like to see them. Of course I immediately said yes and then panicked because one of my cousins is vegan and I am a die-hard carnivore so cooking for vegans isn’t something I do!

However a quick google for recipes and a trip to Sainsbury’s meant that I was able to whip up some vegan flautas and enchiladas and I was surprised at how tasty they were! It was a pleasure to see my cousins but more so to see their dog Nahla who is just the cutest thing.

Flaunting my flautas

I miss having pets so much – look how adorable she is!

That’s all for now – but remember, make sure you feedback to your lecturers to make sure that future students can benefit from your thoughts about your course!


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