Tuesday 31 May 2016

Making memories at Southampton

Last week I handed in my last piece of coursework, officially ending the taught part of my Masters degree, and four years at Southampton.

It’s a strange feeling. Although I’m not finished yet as I still have my thesis to write, I’m supposedly finished with teaching for good. I started school when I was three years old and 19 years later I have finally come to the end – which is almost impossible to comprehend. Being at one school or another is literally the only thing I have ever done, and now I have to go and do something else, it makes me feel really very old! Rather than talking about the future (which is a bit terrifying and still seems so far away) I want to write about the past four years at Southampton. I went on a bit of a mission through my Facebook to find my favourite memories from my time here, so that I could share them with you.

Just hanging out with new friends in first year.

First year was mad and it seems so long ago now; but looking back through all the photos I remember how much fun we had just getting together and having dinner, or just chilling out in the flats with the big kitchens. I have met so many wonderful people in Southampton and I owe so many of my favourite memories to them.

First Christmas Dinner

The Geogsoc boat ball


In second year we went on a week-long trip to Bangalore as part of one of our modules and it was one of the best experiences of my life. As well as working with the Belaku trust, and interviewing women who worked with them we had so much time to explore the city and their culture.

We also raised money for a school for slum children and were treated to an afternoon with them which insane amounts of fun.

The trip to Bangalore really sparked my interest in statistics and the importance of them in the real world outside of the classroom and, considering statistics is my chosen career now, I really owe a lot to the people we worked with.

All of us sightseeing

At the school

Joining the kickboxing society.

Kickboxing was absolutely brilliant and I am so glad I joined the society. This photo is all of us looking smart ready for the AU Ball, but I have hundreds of others from various different social events and it was hard to choose just one! Being part of a society is almost an integral part of university life and it made my second year so much more interesting and exciting. I would recommend that everyone joins at least one, and with so many to choose from I’m sure you’ll find one that you fall in love with.

Looking presentable for once!

Learning how to cook

When I came to University the only thing I was good for in a kitchen was as a potwash. Four years later and that’s completely different. I’ve written a few times about my favourite recipes and the importance of being able to cook your own food (it’s healthier and you save money!) so I thought cooking deserved a mention here.

The photo below is from New Year’s Eve last year which was spent with some of my closest friends from Southampton drinking and making fresh pasta. That might not sound like the most exciting way to bring the New Year in, but it was such a lovely evening and although it took us a good few hours to prepare, the food was delicious!

Homemade ravioli

There are so many more memorable events, from impromptu dinners to going to see Bill Bailey at the Mayflower a couple of weeks ago. The list is endless but the above are my absolute favourite. I will definitely miss the randomness of University life.

It’s wonderful to be able to look back and know that I wouldn’t change a thing about my experience here and I’m happy that it’s not quite over for me yet!


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