Wednesday 1 June 2016

Post-exam celebrations: throwing a successful student house party

House parties are a part of student life. Here we are, almost at the end of the year, and celebrations are nigh. Some of us here at the University of Southampton have already finished for the summer…and for good! Some are thinking of party ideas. If you haven’t finished exams or coursework yet, then I hope this blog post may help with planning. If you’re someone who is about to attend university, these tips may help with throwing your first ever student house party.

Here’s my advice for holding a successful house party, with everything from music and entertainment to safety and what to do at the end of the evening.

Set the party mood from the very beginning

This is crucial. Music sets the mood and radiates a welcoming feel to those who may be stepping into your house for the first time. It is wise to have a playlist ready rather than fiddling with your online music player as people start coming in.

The other very important thing is to keep it at a reasonable volume – a noise complaint is not the way to go and you need to be mindful of neighbours and the local community.

If you have a friend who is keen to play their own music you may let them, but try and gauge the faces and the reaction or everyone. If it’s not looking good, switch!

Celebrating with friends

Introduce people

Chances are some your guests will be strangers to each other. Being a good host means making introductions so that you don't find yourself babysitting your friends for the entire duration of your party. Start conversations between the guests you know share common interests, then slowly pull away from the conversation and let them fend for themselves.


Not everyone may be able to bring their own drinks so it’s a sign that you’re a good host by providing some drinks on a student budget. House parties don’t always have to revolve around alcohol either - you can make a non-alcoholic punch! Besides, it’s much cheaper!

My homemade punch!


You’ve got the music. What else can you keep your mates entertained with? For cosier gatherings I find a game like monopoly or twister is always a crowd pleaser. I have also been known to get the karaoke machine out! If you see a lull at any point in the night, bring out your bag of tricks and throw a deck of cards on the table to keep your friends entertained. There is only so much nodding and smiling that people can do.


Giving your neighbours a fair warning that you will have music playing and some people over is always considerate. Even better, you could invite them to the party if they are students too! They can’t be that angry when they are dancing to Uptown Funk in your living room whilst sampling your homemade punch!

It’s always important to make sure you are considerate about your neighbours and the local area when you have people round.

Security and safety

You may have friends who want to bring plus ones who you may not know very well. Their plus ones may bring their own plus ones too. As such, it is a good idea to keep your belongings in your own room. Afterwards, lock your room so nobody can get into it! No matter how much you may love everyone coming to your party, keeping any expensive stuff away is always a safe bet.

If you plan on keeping some speakers or a music player downstairs, I have been recommended by friends to register these items on in case it does get lost. This site is a UK national property register that the authorities rely on to trace lost or stolen items.

It’s also important to remember that you need to be careful about publicising the event – make sure that you aren’t at risk of having complete strangers turning up uninvited.


No one is going to be expecting cake and a full spread of sandwiches. I find that a few cheap snacks like crisps and some chocolate is always appreciated, but all in all save your money on food for something more useful! Perhaps ask people to come with a contribution.

At the end of the night

You’ll know when it’s time to call it a day when the sun is coming up or everyone is falling asleep. If you want to ask people to leave politely but firmly, you can always call a taxi in for them. Remember to lock all doors and windows when you go to bed, and ensure that people get home safely!


So there you go. After three years of being a student here are some tips for throwing a fun, safe and successful house party. If you have any tips, why not let us know in the comments below?

Have fun celebrating, you deserve it!


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