Tuesday 28 June 2016

Some final thoughts

So, this is my last blog post, which I'm writing sat on the UniLink bus on my way to the train station. Today is the ONS conference 'Transforming the census: 2021 and beyond', held at the Winchester business school.

I've been looking forward to this conference for ages because it's being organised by the department that I will be joining in October, so I'm hoping that it will give me an insight into the work that they do and ideas for what I might be doing for them!

Four years ago I would never have had the confidence to sign up for a conference on my own, and I still wouldn't be going if not for the University of Southampton. My four years here has seen my personality grow in leaps and bounds.

Whilst I'm still not convinced that I know 'how to adult', I'm really excited for the future. Having spent the past 20 years in education, I'm a little afraid because it's really the only thing I've ever known, but then I remember everything else I've done that I never could have seen myself doing before I came to uni, and I know I'm more prepared than I believe.

However I am very glad that I'm not leaving Southampton - and not even the University really, since the ONS is only up the road in Titchfield and works closely with the University and my department, so I hope to still see many of the lecturers and undergraduate students that I know.

Since this is my last chance to do this publicly, I would like to thank all of the wonderful staff at the University who have helped me, taught me how to think and how to question and made my time here absolutely wonderful. Without their hard work, I would not be in the position that I am today and I am extremely grateful to them for that.

Finally thank you to the team at Life at Southampton for adding something extra to enjoy in my final year!

And because I can't resist, some photos from my last few days in Rome....

The Duomo and Basilica in Florence looking beautiful in the setting sun

The Colosseum, ever impressive

Ruins, but what ruins! 


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