Friday 24 June 2016

Summer plans and exam results

I’m now back home in the country where the sun never sets. Norway is amazing and I love the long summer nights, but when it gets dark around midnight and light around 3am, it can get a bit confusing throughout the day.

Apart from that, I hope that my blog post about why it is so very important to vote and about the EU referendum made at least someone go out and do their civic duty yesterday. As I’m writing this blog post the results aren’t ready, but I’m extremely eager to find out.

Some other results that have recently been released are the results for semester two, which came out yesterday. I hope all continuing students here at is pleased with their results and do remember that if you’re not, it’s not the end of the world. You can read my fellow blogger Rylyn’s tips on how to cope with exam results anxiety.

Please, do always remember the great opportunities you have through the University to get help if you’re not happy with your results.

Personally, I’m quite happy with my results and I’m therefore very ready to enjoy my holiday!

 Hello, glorious Oslo Fjord.

There is not too much planned apart from a short trip to Denmark and my annual trip to Romania before I go back to England. At some point before any of my trips, I need to properly unpack all my suitcases from England. One would’ve thought that after living abroad for two years I’d know the best ways to pack and unpack quickly, but I don’t. I do, however, promise than when I learn the quickest way of unpacking I will share it on the blog, because currently it’s hard to see the floor in my room!

Apart from the desperate tidy my room needs, I’m excited to follow the Euros, read some good books, hopefully read something course related and catch up with friends in between all my trips. It has become the new normal for me to only properly see my friends from Oslo twice a year. It is mostly during summer we are all back home in Oslo for more than a week or a couple of days. As sad as it might be, it has at least made me appreciate not only my friends from home, but also my parents a lot more than before. People I saw on a daily basis have now become people I don’t see for months and months, so when I first see them I treasure every second of it.

If you are going to start university in September, you will soon understand what I mean and if you are at university already, I’m sure you can already relate!

In these glorious months of holiday that are in front of us, I will continue blogging on Life at Southampton and I would appreciate any suggestions on what you would like to read about – so comment with your suggestions below!


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