Monday 25 June 2012


If somebody had told me nine short months ago that I was about to experience half the things that’ve followed my move from the North-West, I’d have thought them mad. But the other day, whilst packing away ticket stubs, textbooks, photos and other assorted paraphernalia I’d somehow collected over the year (some of which I should’ve thrown away, but it might be useful... one day... maybe... perhaps!) and preparing to move out of Montefiore Halls, I realised how brilliant a first year of life in Southampton I’d just had; if you’re landing in September, you have a lot to look forward to!

Moving the last of the bags from my ‘home from home’ – somehow seems too soon!

Thanks for checking out the blog! I’m Robin, and I’m studying Software Engineering at the University of Southampton, having just finished a frantic but hugely fun Freshers' year here which I spent getting stuck into my first ever taste of complete independence. I’ve dabbled in the domestic arts, like shopping, cooking and cleaning, tried to take advantage of the amazing social opportunities at university (particularly through the Students’ Union, “SUSU”), and attempted a challenging but rewarding course which already seems to have taught me a huge amount – or at the very least enough to entertain myself late into the evening coding crossword apps and the like!

When I’m not tapping away at the keyboard, I enjoy getting involved with the performing arts societies, namely the SUSU Theatre Group and SUSUtv station, hanging out with friends and flatmates, reading, gaming, procrastinating from doing something worthwhile or important, watching films and appreciating some good sports, mostly footy (which team? Why... erm... the mighty Southampton FC, of course!).

Nothing says ‘dedicated’ (or ‘student discount’!) like Southampton versus Ipswich on a cold Tuesday night!

I’m often asked why, given the distance between home and Southampton, I chose to come here – usually by my parents when they drive down to visit! Being so far away does present some difficulties – for example, I can’t just ‘pop home’ like many of my flatmates whenever I yearn for some home cooking or don’t fancy doing the laundry – but I reasoned that university usually comes at the time in life when, to learn how to take care of yourself, you have to be thrown in at the deep end and just do your best. I knew Southampton offered a brilliant course in what I wanted to study, so I decided to go for it - and I’m certainly glad I did! 

Despite the occasional hiccups, I reckon I’ve largely found my feet this year; I’ve practised coping with many a deadline rush, I’ve identified the better pubs, and I know which supermarket chain sells the best value-for-money pizzas. But whereas I was originally unsure why module scores this year didn’t count towards my final degree classification (I just had to pass them), now I can recognise it’s all about easing the learning curve, taking everything in and getting everyone to have a similarly strong course foundation.  I’m going to try to review the year in its highs, lows and lessons over the next few weeks, but overall, I’ve gained so much already from being here, and I say to next year: “Bring it on!”

P.S. If you’ve got a question about anything, don’t be a stranger – please just add a comment below, and I’ll do my best to get back to you!



  1. Hi Robin,I also enjoy watching football, could you tell me how to go to the stadium from the campus by public transportation?

    1. Hey there Sholmes, thanks for your question! I've only been to St Mary's Stadium a couple of times so there may be a quicker way, but this is the route I took:

      From the main campus, Highfield, you'll be looking to take the U6C Uni-Link bus (free if you live in Halls, or £2 for a single journey) into the city, getting off at the stop on East Park Terrace (next to Southampton Solent University). You'll then have to walk to the bottom of the road and turn left at the crossroads; if you follow New Road, and then Northam Road, for about 15-20 minutes, you should reach the stadium.

      If it's a match day it's very easy to just follow the crowds in the red and white striped shirts, but there should also be signposts around in the city centre, so keep a look out for them if you're unsure. It's also a good idea to use an online map before you head out just to check you know the route you're taking. Hope that helps!

  2. hey Robin. I have been accepted into M.Eng Mechanical engineering and ive chosen small halls as my first accommodation preference. how far away is it from my campus?

    how much does it cost to live all by yurself for a week there?

    thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Nexus, cheers for the question, and congratulations on your offer! You'll be located on the main Highfield campus for Mechanical Engineering.

      I can't say that I've had much personal experience of Small Halls so I'll have to answer based on what I've learnt from friends (who've all enjoyed being there this year). From what I know, as an undergraduate you might be placed in one of:

      - Archers Road - located near the city centre so it's great for shopping and nights out, it's slightly further away from Highfield campus but is still easily reachable in 20 minutes by the bus. Prices range from £87 - £113 per week.
      - Bencraft Court - just beyond Glen Eyre, it's within walking distance of the campus, about 15-20 minutes, and also is on the U2 bus route. Rooms cost about £80 a week.
      - Highfield Hall - about 10-15 minutes' walk away from Highfield, rooms cost £122 - £155 per week but are extremely nice!
      - Or indeed none of the above (ie. in one of your other preferences, depending on availablilty)!

      Of course, costs are dependent on the room type you're assigned (Standard, Enhanced, Ensuite etc.) and whether or not you've opted to go self-catered or part-catered. Obviously with the latter most of your food costs are included in the rent (though each Halls has days when you will have to feed yourself), but I always tried to keep below £30 a week (though some people I know manage to average at £20!).

      For more in-depth information I recommend giving the official Accommodation pages a glance at: . Every Halls has its various perks over one another, but you'll probably know people from all over by the end of the year, regardless of where you end up. Hope to see you in September!
