Monday 25 June 2012

The obligatory introductory post (a.k.a. every blogger’s nemesis)

Hello everyone - I think it’s probably time I introduced myself. My name is Jo Fisher, and I’ve just finished my BA English degree at the University of Southampton. I got my results last week, and I’ll be graduating properly in July. It’s a big step – I’ve spent the last three years meeting new people, facing new challenges and working hard, and now the life I have become settled with is changing all over again!

Within the next three months, I’ll be making the biggest step in my life since 2009 when I began my career as an undergraduate. I have applied for and been accepted to study a Master’s in English Literary Studies in September here at the University of Southampton, and cannot wait to get started! It means that I’ll be able to continue to study Literature, which has always been one of the great loves of my life, whilst staying in Southampton and living independently. The last few months have been riddled with fear, anxiety and excitement, but I am sure this is the right decision for my future.

I have a feeling that the next twelve months will be incredibly busy for me. Alongside my masters, I will be filling the role of Deputy Editor for the University’s magazine, the Wessex Scene, and of course getting a job to help fund my course since this year I will not be eligible for government funding. It’s going to be a challenge but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, and it’s about time I stopped playing it safe and took some risks.

This is me: just so that you can put a face to a name

This introductory post comes at quite a poignant time for me as I am currently moving out of my student house, which has been my home for the last two years. Since being here at University, things have definitely changed for the better. That sounds very cheesy, but it’s definitely true, and most students I know will say the same. I’ve made some lifelong friends, developed confidence, learned how to care for myself, and really discovered what interests me. I have been very lucky in my time here at Southampton, and could not have asked for a better three years. Words cannot describe how sad I am to see everything changing, and it is certainly going to be difficult to adapt, but things must change in order to move forward.  I suppose I chose to continue into postgraduate study not only to further my studies, but also to continue the lifestyle that I have grown so accustomed to. You could say I’m not quite ready to leave student life behind and enter the real world just yet!

I was going to compile a list of personal aims and objectives for the next year, and then share them with you to look back on at the end. However, I found that far too difficult, and it may have been rather a tacky start to my blogging career for many of the readers! I think the best thing to do is enjoy myself, do what I want to do, and appreciate that things cannot always be planned. I do have aims, but those are to have the year of my life, to juggle everything well and leave as a happy and well-rounded person. I don’t think I could ask for more than that! So here’s to the next year of my life.

I’ve always been a keen reader and I suppose being a budding writer comes with that – but I’ve never really had an outlet for my writing other than my essays and assignments. Although this first post is not too innovative, I hope it’s provided a good insight into my life so far, allowing you to work out what to expect from my writing. I think it’s a good idea to start off with the basics; who I am, what I do, and why I am here in Southampton. You’ll find out more about everything else over time. I cannot wait to share my postgraduate life with you all, and hope that you enjoy reading about what I have to say.

So, Southampton. You’re not getting rid of me that easily. I’ll be back in September to start a new chapter of my life! In the meantime, let’s see what this summer brings…


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