Monday 16 September 2013

Saying goodbye to Southampton

It’s been a very busy week for me, full of milestones and celebrations; finishing my Master’s Degree and leaving Southampton for the last time, embarking on the next chapter of my life.

I handed in my dissertation almost a week ago, signalling the end of my Master’s Degree and, consequently, the end of my studies at the University of Southampton! As I left Student Services on Avenue Campus, having handed in two copies of my bound dissertation and all the necessary paperwork, I felt as though there should be a fanfare! I submitted my undergraduate degree completely online in 2012, and though it gave me much more writing time, the physical release of actually handing a book written by myself over to the university felt so incredibly good! As I left campus I realised, for the first time in my life, I had no work to do; no books to read, or essays to study… my future is wide open! I have ended my education after eighteen years – and it’s a very odd feeling!

Handing in my dissertation, and ending my education!

I spent my hand-in day having a celebratory drink in the Bridge Bar on campus with some postgraduate friends, chatting about our plans for the future. Over the next few days, I caught up with all of my course mates and friends who, one by one, had handed in their dissertations too! I enjoyed a delicious meal in La Tavernetta, a small Italian restaurant in the city centre, with my course mate and old flatmate Rachel, and said my goodbyes to Southampton.

One last day on campus – goodbye Hartley Library!

I had arranged to move away from Southampton for good on the Sunday after my deadline, and the night before I went out one last time to the notorious student haunt, Jesters, with some friends. It was a great night, and my first big social event with university friends after a summer of dissertation! The next morning, I dragged myself out of bed after very little sleep and finished packing before my parents arrived! It was a very rainy day – perfect pathetic fallacy for an ex-English student! We went for a lovely lunch to one of my favourite places to eat in nearby Porstwood, Trago Lounge, and bade farewell to my home for the last four years.

Tucking into a slice of delicious Red Velvet Cake (my favourite!) in Trago Lounge, moments before saying goodbye to Southampton!

Driving back to my home in Kent was an odd sensation. For one, the weather was awful and the traffic was equally as bad, so the journey was longer than usual. It also gave the day a wintery feel, so it felt as if I was heading home for Christmas! When I finally got home, I enjoyed a delicious roast dinner (my first in many months!) made by my sister Katie and her boyfriend, complete with pudding. I also received some beautiful flowers for finishing my degree which was a lovely surprise!

Being home is very odd. Like I said, it feels as though I am just home for the holidays – especially since I have not spent more than two weeks at home since last summer. I am sure after a fortnight I will start asking myself ‘when am I going back to Southampton?’ – I think that will be when it starts to feel odd. Thankfully, since most of my friends left last year, I know I’ll be ok – if they can do it, so can I! It’s a daunting thought but I am already excited to sort my life out!

For one of my first posts for this blog, I wrote about how students must deal with having two ‘homes’; your Real Home, where you can enjoy home comforts, seeing friends and family, and recharging during the holidays; and your Uni Home, where you can lead a busy and independent life, getting on with work, enjoying the student lifestyle. I’ve been moving between these two lives for four years – now I will be re-adapting to just one home again. Going from city life back to a small village will no doubt be a little odd but I am sure I will fit back in very quickly!

I’m not sure what my next steps will be. After working non-stop all summer, I plan to have a little time out – I also have to unpack, re-organise my belongings, apply for jobs and meet up with old friends. It’s going to be a busy few weeks but I am excited to be back and to settle into another stage of my life.


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