Monday 9 September 2013

Secret gardens and rooftop views

As I type this, I am on the cusp of printing, binding and submitting my Masters Dissertation – three solid months of research and writing, 20,000 words and 71 pages. This not only symbolises the end of the summer for me, but the end of my time at the University of Southampton.

Once I hand in my dissertation this week, I have just a few days left here before I move back home. After four incredible years and many life-changing moments, I’m about to embark on the next chapter of my life. My time at Southampton has literally transformed my life – but I’ll leave all of that for my final Life at Southampton post at the end of September! In the meantime, I’ll leave you to imagine how I am coming to terms with this!

In light of my imminent departure, you can imagine that I am desperate to really make the most of my last week here before I go! So alongside my final editing, printing and referencing, I’ve made sure that I’ll be leaving on a high. I’ll be sad – yes. But I mustn’t dwell on the end of an era; I must look forward to the next exciting part of my future, taking with me everything I have learned from my life here in Southampton!

For most of the last week I have been working hard, as I have been throughout the summer – and the last four years! Aside from occasional coffee trips to see old friends, I’ve been mainly based in my room, snacking on dried fruit and custard creams, and tweaking the finer details of my dissertation. However, I managed to take five minutes out of my busy day to visit Southampton’s very own secret garden on Tuesday. On my way back from hunting down a rare book for last minute referencing, I discovered that the Valley Gardens had re-opened after some building work over the summer. I took this opportunity to discover a hidden corner of campus – one which is a little slice of heaven! I was fortunate enough to go on one of the sunniest days of the week and it was absolutely stunning.

Welcome to the beautiful Valley Gardens!

The Valley Gardens were used by the Department of Biology during the 1960s to plant non-native species. After years of neglect, they were transformed by the Valley Gardens Project Team in 2008. These changes were finished in 2012, and 2013 has seen further improvements such as easier access! It’s now open during weekdays until 5pm.

I had great fun exploring the nooks and crannies of the gardens

I really recommend hunting down this hidden treasure for a moment of peace and quiet. It’s located past the back of the Students' Union building. Take a look at a university map and you should be able to spot it! Unfortunately I didn’t have time to stop and enjoy the beauty spot, but many people were enjoying a picnic in the sunshine and I can imagine it is perfect for a relaxing lunch! I am very glad I was able to visit before I left.

I was also able to get involved with the September Open Days again with fellow blogger Robin! On 6 and 7 September we took to the Nuffield stage once more to talk with Pro Vice Chancellor Alex Neill about our university experiences and ambitions. This time we were joined by Mechanical Engineering student Harry Morley and Biology student Sophie Watts, and I was so amazed by everything they’d been up to during their time here so far. Harry is part of the Formula Student team, designing and racing motorcars at Silverstone, and Sophie has had so much work experience I couldn’t keep track – and that was just after her first year! I had so much fun meeting new people, sharing my stories and seeing the university really shine. I am so excited for all future students joining us this month – and a little jealous, as I would love to do it all again!

I had a great time building my confidence, practising my public speaking skills and encouraging aspiring students to follow their ambition!

Robin rehearsing his lines – a true thespian!

It was an incredibly poignant two days for me; I may not see our blogger Robin again for some time, and I really wanted to put across what an incredible time I’ve had here! I also took the opportunity to explore the campus a little more. I visited Harry’s faculty where they had their Formula Student car on display! It was great to see what the Engineering students get up to – since it’s all so different to my work in Humanities!

Harry and his fellow teammates with their car – very impressive!

I also went to see where Robin works. The ECS building is spectacular and completely different to my home at Avenue campus! I even got to look at the campus at a different angle – from the top of the building! It shows that, no matter how many years you are here, there are still so many surprises in store for you. I had a fantastic time, and I really hope our talk inspired the minds of some potential students!

Admiring the view from atop the ECS building – 
I will always remember how beautiful our campus is!

So, while you’re reading this, I may have finally handed in my dissertation! Unfortunately, since this marks the end of my degree, my blogs are slowly coming to an end. I’ll be telling you all about moving home, deadline day and saying goodbye over the next few weeks… it’s a sad step, but I am excited about what the future may hold! So here’s to my last week in Southampton. Wish me luck!


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