Tuesday 18 February 2014

Elections season

It’s that time of the year again when campus becomes adorned by the colours of the rainbow, or rather dyed bedsheets, each hanging from windows and sporting a different catchy slogan, manifesto point or candidate name – it can only be election season!

For those of you uninitiated into the sheer madness which is to ubiquitously follow, every year around this time the Students’ Union, SUSU, kicks into overdrive with the advent of the Sabbatical and Student Leader elections. These tend to see vast multitudes of candidates competing for an eclectic mix of roles for the chance to represent their fellow students, drive the activities and policies of their Union, and to make their mark on student life in and around campus through affecting positive change. They’re hugely exciting, fiercely competitive, but most importantly for all involved, a heck of a lot of fun (at the end of the day, the main reason most people put themselves through the ordeal)!

Because with elections come all sorts of people all competing for your attention, your support, and your votes, which manifests itself in the forms of flashmobs, advertisements, banners, clothing, posters, publicity stunts, videos, online manifestos, lecture shout-outs (depending on how happy the lecturer is to let them take place!), club visits and much much more, all in the name of campaigning.

And then, to top things off, the barnstorming “Elections Results Night Live”, taking place at the heart of the Union in its very own nightclub called “the Cube”, awaits, which is always one of the highlights of the academic year. Celebrations, music, and glitz aside, it’s a brilliant occasion full of successes and achievement from the numerous people who have just attained positions from which they may drive the Union throughout the next year, and it always brings to a close one of the more active spells in the Union in style!

Last year I went along to support the wonderful Claire Gilbert – who emerged triumphant as the new VP Engagement!

And it’s not just campaigners and their teams who’ll be kicking into overdrive in the next couple of weeks. The buzz surrounding the election season is such that the incredibly talented, committed and professional media outlets run as part of the Union, namely its magazine, Wessex Scene, television station, SUSUtv and radio station, Surge Radio, alongside other student-led publications, showcase their own impressive abilities on a mass scale through reporting on speculation, debates, polls and all the developments which take place.

Run entirely by students (so if you haven’t already and are interested, there’s really no better time to join up!), the magnificent website hit boosts that these outlets receive during elections season – SUSUtv’s live results night was once viewed by 10,000 people! – is testament to the quality of programmes and material that are often published at this time, and they truly are the best place to engage with the elections by keeping track of the daily happenings in and around SUSU.

Election season brings out the best in the professional-standard yet student-run operations around SUSU – it’s remarkable! (Credit: Surge Radio)

With my final year approaching, I must admit I was severely tempted to join the ranks of brave folk putting themselves forward to run for one of the numerous voluntary roles on offer but, fearing for my degree to an extent (as things start to get more serious in final years, I’ve found it becomes a lot easier to say “no”!), and with a burning ambition to fully realise a Performing Arts project I dreamt up a while ago and would like to work on in my final year (more to follow, if it ever comes to fruition!), I opted against it in preference to have a little more free time to study, relax, perform – and sleep! And as is always the case with the enthusiastic student body which makes up SUSU, there are sure to be plenty of other candidates with fresh ideas and exciting ambitions for the roles who will be brilliant representatives of their respective societies, so I know whoever does end up running will do a superb job.

Speaking of shows… yes, despite what I said about free time to work, I’m somehow in another one! Next week (showing from 26 February to 1 March at 7.30pm, every evening at the Annex Theatre – by the Highfield Interchange!), Guys and Dolls, Showstoppers’ (the musical theatre society) main show of the year, will land in the Annex Theatre amidst all the election chaos, and I’m lucky enough to play a (modest!) part in it – so don’t worry Mum, I have had time to work as well!

It’s a classic in the musical world featuring some larger-than-life characters, and is full of comedy, drama and a touch of cheese which adds to the whole vibe of the show, and with some very catchy songs indeed (“Luck Be a Lady Tonight” and “Sit Down You’re Rockin’ the Boat” to name but two of the better known ones!), it should be a cracking watch – so if you have a spare night and feel the need to get away from elections mayhem, please do come along and check it out!

So as ever, there’s ample (some might say excessive!) activities, events and distractions going on in and around the Union, and thus plenty to be getting on with. Elections season is always full of surprises, twists and turns – so if you’re studying here and not already, get engaged with it! After all, given the scale of what goes on, you may soon find it hard to avoid!


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