Tuesday 25 February 2014

Exam results!

Last Thursday was the day of reckoning – the day when we got to find out whether or not all of our hard work (or lack of, perhaps) had paid off: results day! It’s always a nerve-wracking process: logging on to the student portal, sharing in the anticipation with your friends. Nervously drinking tea as you open up your student record. Then you’re there, one click away from the moment of truth, and suddenly you don’t want to look any more. You’re happier not knowing. Ignorance really is bliss, as they say. You brace yourself, and make the final click…

…and (hopefully!) let out a huge sigh of relief! I was in the middle of a lecture when I received my results for semester one, so it wasn't quite as dramatic as it has been in the past, but there was a definite air of tension. Thankfully, I’ve passed, and with grades I’m proud of too. It’s always a relief to know that all those early mornings, late nights and long hours in the Hartley Library were worth it. And to celebrate? Not a night out, but a nice meal at a local Italian restaurant. This is third year after all!

I was up in London (yet again) on Wednesday, for a postgraduate open evening at a university in London. I’m interested in applying for their Food Policy masters programme, so it was my chance to speak to the lecturers and find out more about both the university, and the course itself. I haven’t been to a university open day since I visited the University of Southampton whilst at Sixth Form, so it was a little strange to be doing it again all these years later. It was a rather different affair, too – there was even wine and nibbles available! I’m fairly sure I asked far more useful questions this time around as well. The university is in a great location, and the course looks very interesting. I’d hoped to come away from the event with a little more clarity as to where I would rather go, but, if truth be told, it’s only made things more confusing! We’ll see what happens once my applications are submitted, I suppose.

 The view from South Bank

Ever the tourist!

We even managed to squeeze in a little bit of sightseeing. My Mum revealed that she’d never seen the London Eye (apart from on the television), so a stop by South Bank was a must. At least one of us came away satisfied!


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