Wednesday 23 July 2014

The Final Curtain

The time has finally come for my final post for the Life at Southampton blog! With this in mind, it seems fitting to talk about my graduation, which took place last Wednesday, and marked the culmination of my four years at the University of Southampton. I have to admit, I wasn’t really looking forward to the big day. As I’ve talked about in a previous post, most of the friends I made in first year graduated last summer, due to my year abroad which added an extra year on to my course, so I thought it might feel as though there was something missing – no big group photos, no celebratory drinks or parties. But, in the end, I thoroughly enjoyed the day, and couldn’t be more pleased that I went.

My Mum and I drove up to Southampton from Bournemouth in the morning, and met my Dad on campus, which had been transformed, with white marquees and everyone in their gowns and mortar boards. The atmosphere felt very different from last time I was there, when exam stress was in the air. The sun was shining, and everyone was smiling and congratulating each other, surrounded by their friends and families. I was a little sceptical about the traditional graduation outfit, but it felt fabulous once it was on – I really felt as though I had earned it, which I hadn’t expected to feel at all. 

Compulsory graduation selfie!

We took a few photos, and headed into the Nuffield Theatre for the ceremony. As soon as I was seated I began to feel extremely nervous – there were so many things that could go wrong up on stage, like falling over in my heels, or my gown or hood slipping off in front of everyone. Thankfully, though, nothing did. I was the last person in our ceremony to go up and receive the Pro-Vice Chancellor’s handshake, and I did feel a little sorry for my parents having to wait right until the end! I felt really proud to see some of my friends from this year go up and have their degrees conferred. I even bumped into one of my friends from first year that I haven’t seen since before I left for Japan, who was abroad last year and missed the ceremony so was graduating this summer. It was totally unexpected, and so nice to have a link to my pre-Japan university days.

My friend, Emma, and I after our ceremonies

After the ceremony, as an official graduate, we headed to the Pimm’s tent for a drink or two, and then went and had some lovely family photos taken. I can’t wait to receive the prints and display them, alongside my certificate – I know that both my parents will be showing them off to anyone and everyone! Afterwards, we headed back to Bournemouth for a lovely lunch and a compulsory glass of champagne, and, of course, some serious picture uploading to social media. It’s been so nice to receive congratulations from friends of mine from all over the world – as far flung as Argentina, Indonesia and Japan – and it really hit home just how much I have done and achieved during my time at Southampton.

My parents and I enjoying a glass of Pimm’s

I think the best thing about my graduation day was being able to express my gratitude to the support that my family and friends have provided over the past four years, as well as being able to say a final goodbye to Southampton, which has been my home for a great deal of that time. It felt so strange to drive away not knowing when the next time I will come back will be. But, as they say, when one door closes, another opens, and that couldn’t be truer than now. Graduation marks the transition from one stage of my life to another, and as my time at Southampton comes to an end, I am so excited to see what the future holds.

I suppose all that’s really left to say is thank you – to everyone who has made my stay at University of Southampton so enjoyable, challenging, stimulating and special, and also to the Life at Southampton team for having me as a writer for the past year. I have so enjoyed reflecting on my experiences, and I hope that you have enjoyed reading them!


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