Friday 22 August 2014

Back in Southampton

I've now returned to Southampton and am getting settled back into living away from home. I was afraid I’d feel the pain of homesickness upon returning but I’m relieved to have avoided it, maybe because I had spent a whole extra month in Sweden with family. In any case, it almost feels like I’m returning back to another family - as cheesy as it might sound! A few of my housemates have been staying in our house over the summer so I didn't have to return to an empty home. My room is just as how I left it and it feels somewhat comforting to be back. The summer break is flying past but now that I’m back in Southampton I’m actually feeling quite excited for uni to start again. However, I’m also grateful I still have just over another month of summer (even though I will be starting work for my third year project, so it won’t be all fun and games).

As I might have mentioned in one of my earlier posts when I introduced some of my housemates, one of my housemates is actually an international Masters student from China. During my first year when everyone was sorting out living and accommodation for second year, two of my flatmates from halls and I came together and decided we’d love to live together. Then each of my flatmates had a friend from their course who they also wanted to live with, so we became a group of five. After finding a house we all liked, one of my friend’s coursemates had decided it would actually be more convenient for her to live at home, since it actually wasn't a far drive to uni and her schedule didn't require her to be on campus everyday. By living at home, she could save money on living costs, which we all thought was a fair point, so she found a replacement to fill her empty room…and that replacement turned out to be Aubrey, who we've all loved having around.

I've particularly loved hearing about her stories from China because I’m always keen to learn about different cultures and lifestyles from around the world. Sadly, she will be leaving while I’m away in Italy so this will be my last chance to see her before she goes. While I’m sure we’ll keep in contact, we are all going to miss her! On a happier note, one of my coursemates will be filling Aubrey’s room and moving in with us in September which is exciting. This coursemate will also be going to Italy and working on a similar project to me, so hopefully we’ll have some interesting things to share when we come back.

Aubrey and I will keep in touch!

Besides seeing my housemates again, I've also met up with my dance friend Ivy and caught up on each other’s adventures. She’s now a psychology graduate and has been spending the past couple months travelling around the U.S. which has made me really envious (I might even consider doing the same once I graduate). We also talked about uni and it was helpful to talk to someone who has completed their third year and to get some advice about things they might have wanted to do differently as well as some general tips.

Me and my always-interesting friend Ivy.

Going to university opens up a lot of opportunities and gives you a lot of options in life, as well as unlocking more job opportunities or opening up possibilities to go onto postgraduate studies (which can also open up further career opportunities). You may feel like, before committing to a job or further study, a gap year after you graduate is what you need. As great as it is to have so many options, it can also feel burdensome because it means you have to take more responsibility for your life and the decisions you make for yourself. Getting some perspective and advice from someone who has been through it and has also been figuring out what they want to do once they graduate has also been really reassuring.

On a little but of a side note, for my next post I’ll be away in Italy for my course, so I’ll be writing something a little different. While we’re on the topic of advice and tips, I have decided to come up with some pieces of advice, with the help of Ivy, which we think would be good to share with new students. And by the way, congratulations to all who are happy with their A-level results and have succeeded in getting into their desired university! Those coming to Southampton, don’t hesitate to say hi if you see me around.

Anyway, I hope you find my next post useful and see you again when I’m back from Italy.


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