Tuesday 26 August 2014

My Southampton bucket list

As the completely mental, yet simultaneously extremely enjoyable (and infinitely memorable!) Edinburgh adventure begins to wind down, and after what will probably be a week of sleeping when I return home in a few days’ time (it’s been exhausting!), it’s weird to think that I will soon find myself looking forward to a fourth – and (provisionally, at the very least!) final – year. A terrifying thought when I realise how quickly my time in Southampton seems to have shot by!

As I wrote last week, from joining the University way back in 2011 to beginning to consider life beyond it now, Southampton as a city has given to me not only an incredible stay and education, but also bundles of happy memories and opportunities which I can only hope I’ve made the most of – certainly I’m not sure my sleeping patterns could take any more, although that might just be the tiredness of the Fringe talking! It’s been a magnificent three years, and I’m just as excited for my final one as I was for my first - if considerably less anxious about domestic abilities, and more so about workload!

But there remains a number of activities to undertake, and places to visit, which, despite probably now being classified as a Southampton “veteran” (hopefully a less direct way of saying “old man!”), I’ve somehow always managed to avoid. So with time running out on my stay in Southampton, I thought I could write up a quick “bucket list” of things I hope to check off by the end of the year, fitting them in sensibly around the degree (honest, Mum!). Although, much like a New Year’s Resolution, only time will tell how well I’ve done!

1. Write an article for the Wessex Scene

The Wessex Scene is the regular online, and occasionally paper, newsbeat of the University of Southampton. Written, produced and edited by its student body, it has recently frequently been cited as a source by major bodies like the BBC– pretty solid proof that when something happens, they’re usually on the scene in a flash! Although I may not have my finger quite as on the pulse as its editorial team, I’d still love the chance to contribute to such a broadly-read publication in my final year, hopefully through an opinion (or, indeed, satirical!) article or two – here’s hoping!

2. Write an article for The Edge magazine

Likewise, The Edge is a Students' Union (SUSU) publication, covering all forms of entertainment media from music to movies and from games to theatre. As a self-confessed occasional procrastinator (although I’ve somehow avoided getting Netflix yet, for the sake of my degree if nothing else!), I’ve a keen passion for all of these things, so I’m hoping to be able to chip in a review or two here and there across the year - although I’m not sure I’d get away with doing it for my own shows!

3. Host a show on Surge Radio

Having appeared as a (hopefully not too tongue-tied!) guest on the Students' Union radio station, Surge, a few times in the past three years, taking on the actual hosting of a show is something I’d like to try at some point, just to see what it’s like from behind the desk! Thankfully for the musical tastes of its listeners at home, there’re plenty of default playlists available too, featuring all the latest chart hits and thus, if I were to get the chance, sparing any potential listeners from an evening of dodgy song choices!

4. Direct a musical with Showstoppers

Having been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to attempt directing some of my favourite plays with the University’s Students' Union Theatre Group, having a great time to boot, I’d absolutely love to have the chance to try driving a musical show with the musical theatre society, also known as Showstoppers – if only to try something a little different! Watch this space!

5. Visit the Isle of Wight

Just a short and relatively cheap ferry ride away from the shores of the city, the Isle of Wight has been a popular destination for students looking for an exciting voyage on a day out, often including a picnic or two on sunny occasions. I’d love to get the chance to visit at some point, although given we’re soon to enter September, it’s probably far more likely I’d be doing so clutching a raincoat!

6. Visit Playzone in Portsmouth

A place to let loose your inner child, this legendary destination is a short train ride away – but during my time here trips to it with various societies have always clashed with something or other! The resulting stories I’ve heard from such visits have always made me want to go along – and I’m determined for this to be the year that it finally happens!

7. Read five (or more!) books for pleasure

An old habit I’ve sadly found myself ignoring more and more lately, despite there being plenty to choose from, particularly with resources like the comprehensive Hartley Library on campus at my finger tips. I’d love to get back into reading regularly, so I’m hoping to make much more time for it next year!
And, finally…

8. Complete and submit an assignment more than a whole week before the deadline (!)

… Well, I did say time would tell on this list!

So, between this list and my academic commitments, along with the occasional extra-curricular activity here and there, my work is definitely cut out! Bring on fourth year, Southampton! 


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