Friday 15 August 2014

Looking to September

It’s halfway through my stay at the internationally-renowned Edinburgh Festival Fringe and, settling down to write this at the second attempt after I fell asleep on the company flat’s sofa the first time round, I think it’s safe to say I've been dealt a great reminder of just how exhausting – and yet equally amazing – the experience really is!

But outside of the Fringe bubble (of which I've plenty of tales to tell and photos to share upon my return!), the real world goes on, even if sometimes, when you’re involved in and seeing theatrical shows for twelve hours a day, it doesn't always feel that way! And if you are in Edinburgh at any point for the festival, please do come along to C Too at 2pm to catch our show if you've a spare hour or so – we’d absolutely love to see you there!

Gone Rogue’s gender-swapped production of the farcical classic “The Importance of Being Earnest” is going brilliantly, with every show ending with an on-stage selfie with an audience member conscripted to play the role of Miss Prism - such as Alastair here!

Yet once again we've reached that time of the year where many an academic destination is determined and plenty of plans for the months ahead are formed: the excitement (or trepidation!) of A Level Results Day! It seems crazy to think that it’s been three years since I woke up to some of the best news of my life – that I’d made it into the University of Southampton to study Software Engineering (after I was absolutely convinced I’d messed up my exams!) – but three years it has indeed been, during which time so much has gone on that it’s almost impossible to know where to begin even summarizing my Southampton experience.

From the early days of those first few nerve-racking, but equally exciting and curiosity-stacked weeks, during which you learn the hundreds of domestic skills you've probably always taken for granted at home (grocery shopping at supermarkets was like another world to me at first – there’s way too much choice!), to the incredible adventures I’m having at this very second, the journey of self-discovery you go on can be quite amazing, however cliché it sounds.

And looking back in hindsight, it’s for this reason that, if I had a time machine, I don’t think there’s too much I would want to tell my younger (positively elated, if soon to be terrified!) self, or indeed anybody else who’s just now confirmed their place at Southampton for next year – well, apart from wishing them massive congratulations, of course!

Because ultimately so much of the fun I've had at University has come from learning from mistakes, both as an individual and in collective groups, as much as celebrating whatever successes have come by, even if that did mean accidentally leaking milk all over my first year flatmates’ vegetables on day two of living with them – after all, it got us laughing and talking (particularly when I had to ask what replacements to buy!). Things generally seem to have a way of working themselves out for the better down here, so there’s truly no harm in giving anything – activities, sports, modules, assignments, or even domestic duties – a go, particularly as it’ll probably provide a laugh or two for yourself and others along the way (as well as another new experience)!

So it’s because of that I’d be confident in saying that if, for whatever reason, the day didn't turn out quite as you’d originally planned, or you've decided to take an alternative route for your future, you honestly needn't worry. Although I was one of the lucky ones who had a fairly relaxed time of things, loads of my friends from home didn't quite end up where they hoped they would at the start of the day, but ultimately landed in a place they came to love equally, if not more so, through Clearing or other means, so there’re always plenty of options open to everyone – just don’t panic, and make the right decision for you.

And if you are on the way to Southampton… well, then congratulations - you’re in for the best three or four years of your life! After all, this blog is packed with two years’ worth of posts to prove it – just click through them to see more!

And to everyone: congratulations, enjoy the final few weeks of your summers, good luck – and hopefully see you in September!


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