Tuesday 18 November 2014

A weekend in London and Southampton Blackout 2014

I spent the weekend before last with friends in London! It's so easy to get there from Southampton. The atmosphere was great, with stores preparing for Christmas and the lights on display made for a gorgeous sight walking down the busy streets. On the Friday evening we went for drinks at bar which was made of ice! Everything from the furniture to the glasses were made of ice and we were given large coats to keep us warm while inside the icy room. Our visit to London was partly as something special with one of our good friends Ivy, who is moving back home to Singapore this week! It’s sad that she won’t be around Southampton, but I know I will see her again in the future so it doesn’t really feel like we’re saying goodbye forever. There are so many ways to keep in touch, so I’m sure we’ll stay up to date with what’s happening in each other’s lives. My friends and I then headed to Canary Wharf for a grand dinner and, as silly as it may sound, this was very exciting for me because I had never been around the Canary Wharf district before and my only prior knowledge of the place was that it was a property square in the board game Monopoly. 

One of our Southampton friends who graduated last year and has recently started working in London also came to join us for dinner. I was then lucky enough to stay at her place and got to see how she was living in the big city. 

Me in the ice bar wearing one of their massive coats - you can see the ice sculptures in the background. 

On the Saturday we met up with Ivy again and one of my close dance friends who moved to Nottingham after our first year. Together we took a couple of dance classes at the renowned Pineapple dance studios which is always a lot of fun! My friend, who’s quickly settling into life in the big city, has a friend who writes a popular food blog which recommended a few good places to eat out near where the dance studio was. We ended up at a vegetarian buffet which I loved because as a vegetarian I had a huge variety of dishes to choose from. I had never been to a restaurant dedicated to vegetarian food, and it was delicious! 

Last Friday our team of bloggers, Robin, James and I were given an opportunity to attend a photography training session which will hopefully help us with our photography skills for the blog, and in general. I definitely need more practice, but you may see some improvement with the photos I show on the blog in the future! I must admit I have a new admiration for photographers and can appreciate how much the person behind the lens determines the end photo! It’s not just about having something nice to take a photo of, or a fancy camera; the way you place yourself to take the photo and the vision of the image you want to take are key! I’ll try and keep that in mind for the future.

That evening, myself and a few of my fellow Green Action committee members - along with around 250 other student volunteers - took part in the annual Southampton Blackout 2014! Blackout is an annual event organised by the University of Southampton and SUSU to raise awareness on sustainability and to encourage staff and students to switch off to save energy (which also saves money!). 

Myself and a couple of my Green Action committee members at the Blackout event. 

There had clearly been a lot of planning put into the event and I was very happy to take part! As a student volunteer, our roles were to switch off all unnecessary electrical equipment on campus as well as take an energy audit. In addition to taking part in a great event we were all given a free hoodie as well as pizza, when everyone gathered to celebrate a successful night!


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