Friday 14 November 2014

Variety is the spice of life

We have now reached the half-way stage of semester one and the introductory lectures/chapters of each module have long disappeared; replaced instead by engaging and challenging new material. It is also at this point that I find the modules that I am taking seem to click together and a wider picture of the topic begins to form in my head.

Perhaps the module I’m enjoying the most this semester is one called Sustainable Energy Systems, Resources and Usage. This module focuses on sources of sustainable energy, as well as the various impacts that humans have on the Earth, both in a quantitative and a qualitative way. However, unlike the majority of modules I have taken at the University, this module is not run by the Physics department, but by Engineering instead.

Having the option to choose modules from different disciplines really allows you to broaden your horizons by delving into other interests. I chose to do this particular module because I enjoyed a Physics course last year which touched upon nuclear energy and I wanted to learn more about renewable and sustainable options from a mathematical point of view.

During my time at the University of Southampton I have taken a few modules that have not been directly from Physics. In semester one of second year I opted to take a Maths module that was orientated towards scientists, aiming to develop the mathematical tools we have at our disposal. I found this course to be extremely rewarding and I got my best ever mark in this exam, so in semester one of third year, I once again chose to attend a module from the Mathematics Department!

I have found it is good to have a bit of diversity across your modules, because no matter how much you enjoy a particular subject, a wide range of topics helps keep you engaged and it also encourages the development of new skills.

This ethos can be applied across everything you do whilst at university. One of the reasons I joined the Art Society this year was to improve my art skills, as I had only ever done it as a hobby and I had little experience in anything other than sketching. Last week we had an oil painting session and I was a complete beginner. I began quite cautiously, but I quickly got the hang of it and I was pretty pleased with my painting of an owl!

'Owlbert' the Owl - not bad for a first attempt at oil painting! 

The same can be said for all the different sports that I have played at university. This year I am mainly focusing on the Intramural Badminton League, where I play for the one of the Physics teams. My partner from last year graduated over the summer, so this year I have enlisted the help of my badminton-playing housemate. We lost our first few matches of the year as we are still learning each other’s games, but we have been training together quite regularly and are hoping this will allow us to become more competitive.

 Getting to the Badminton courts at the University nice and early on a Monday morning! 

They say variety is the spice of life, and nowhere is this truer than at university. Whether this diversity comes from your studies or the societies you attend, having variation will lead to a very fulfilling time as a student!


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