Friday 7 November 2014

Rollercoasters and inspiring green events

Last Friday I took the train to Thorpe Park with my housemate to celebrate Halloween with a night full of horror mazes and adrenaline inducing rollercoasters! This was my first visit to Thorpe Park and it definitely won’t be forgotten, I can’t remember the last time I’ve screamed so much! While I have to somewhat shamefully admit I had my eyes closed a lot of the time while walking through the different horror mazes, all I can say is that they were very effective. Because we went during one of the park’s special ‘Fright Night’ events, we prioritised going to the different horror mazes and packed in a few rollercoaster rides towards the end of the night. The funny thing was that after being scared out of our minds in the mazes, the crazy rollercoasters that would normally have me screaming at the top of my lungs actually became surprisingly relaxing! Anyway, I had a lot of fun and it was exciting to travel out of the city and see a new attraction within the UK - just one of the many which you can visit from Southampton!

Entering Thorpe Park… totally innocent and unconcerned about the horrors I’d encounter in the evening! 

Thorpe Park at night! 

This week, Green Action had our first meeting to introduce the Fossil Free campaign we will be running this year to our members. It’s exciting to start taking the first steps in the campaign. Our meeting included a short presentation from the committee and then a discussion and some brainstorming of ideas on how we’ll make this campaign a success and how to get more people involved.

Members of Green Action at out Fossil Free meeting

We’re currently a relatively small group of students but hopefully in the near future I’ll be posting a photo of a huge crowd of people getting involved in the campaign! I’ve already spoken with two other societies, Marine Conservation and Oxfam Society who have expressed an interest in getting involved. I will no doubt keep you updated on our progress.

The campaign isn’t just something that we’re running in Southampton. There’s a huge movement globally to push divestment from the fossil fuel industry and as the effects of climate change are becoming more and more conspicuous there is increasing awareness of the need to make a change towards a greener economy.

At the Ecocide Law Talk 2014 in the Turner Sims.

On the topic of the environment, climate change and a sustainable and green future, I also attended a very inspiring talk given by Polly Higgins, a leading expert on Ecocide Law, which was held at the Turner Sims venue on campus. The talk was very interesting and very relevant considering the launch of our fossil free campaign. There was also a fascinating discussion afterwards with the addition of a few guest panelists who were all clearly very passionate about putting a stop to ecocide and promoting a greener planet. They raised a number of compelling arguments supported by both shocking and relatable examples as to why an ecocide law is needed.

I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to attend the talk and feel like I’ve had my eyes opened and gained a number of new perspectives on different global challenges, including food security and overpopulation. My motivation to step up and take more action has gained new vigour and I’m feeling more hopeful about a healthier and happier future for our planet.


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