Wednesday 17 December 2014

Festivities North and South

And with one, final, hectic fortnight, in which there were Christmas celebrations commonplace, events and shows galore, and final deadlines defeated (huzzah!), I’ve just been through the final throes of my last ever Michaelmas term as a student at the University of Southampton - and what a term it’s been! 

I’ve already written about the sheer amount of rehearsing, socialising, training, applying, planning, radio hosting, directing, designing, performing and other things have somehow been crammed into the diary this term - and that’s all been around the demands of a Masters year! It’s certainly been a challenge from an academic perspective, not only in terms of time management, but also particularly with the unique requirements of the Group Design Project which makes up most of my marks, in which I with four others have to engineer a computerised solution to a professional industry problem. 

Outside the academic bubble, it’s reached that time of year when, despite the millions of distractions on offer, the sense of Christmas cheer really is impossible to resist.

This festive feeling was built up for me by one of the most amazing weeks I’ve had at University, the final one this term. Following on from the brilliant lights switch-on event, Christmas shopping galore and annual Theatre Group Dinner (mentioned in my last post), a real buzz and vibrancy was everywhere to be found on campus. From the cheesy songs we all know and love playing constantly in the Students’ Union, to the extra jovial nature of lectures, as well as the beautiful decorations around everywhere, there’s nowhere quite like campus at Christmas! 

For me, the three highlights of a brilliant week were, as you might have guessed, Performing Arts related! Wednesday saw the performance of the biannual Stage Technicians’ Society (StageSoc) pantomime. The society consists of students who usually prefer to stay behind the scenes, providing incredibly professional lighting, sound and staging effects for the performers in shows. Their own production, based loosely around a variation of Dick Whittington, somehow managed to incorporate ruthless parodying of every show we’ve performed in the theatre over the past year or so, and was definitely one to remember! But it was all done with smiles on faces and tongue-in-cheek, with us as an audience laughing along with them (or, in my case, laughing on stage, when they got a few of us up there to take part in a 'Take Me Out' style segment!). Most importantly of all, it raised a truly magnificent £506 for the local charity, Solent Mind, a spectacular result which left everyone cheery – so massive congratulations to everyone involved! 


The StageSoc Panto was something a little different, but for an absolutely amazing cause!

I was also lucky enough to go along during the week to the Nuffield Theatre on Highfield campus, which I’ve always found a convenient place to catch some tremendous theatre when I’m not too busy rehearsing for more! At the moment the Nuffield is hosting its Christmas play, a brilliantly witty, innovative and refreshing update of the classic story The Snow Queen. The show features some hilarious spins on the fairy tales we’ve all come to know and love as they seek to reunite a pair of lost friends in the winter storms, as well as some stunning design, a gorgeous set, and side-splitting performances. It left me with a broad grin across my face! So if a pantomime’s not your thing, or you’re looking to catch a show in Southampton to celebrate Christmas with, it’s definitely one to see! 

Finally, after missing it for the past couple of years, I was fortunate enough this time round to have the chance to attend the Showstoppers Christmas Ball, which is one of the most spectacular events in the Performing Arts calendar. Words cannot do justice with regards to how special an occasion it was! The ball took place at the swanky Dolphin Hotel in Southampton’s City Centre, with a 1920s speakeasy theme. The venue was magnificent, the food incredible, everyone dressed up to impress at their very smartest, and brilliant company making for a truly extraordinary night - one which I’ll remember long into the future. 

Our on-arrival photo at the Ball! Credit: Southampton University Photographic Society

A gorgeous meal was preceded by some quite competitive cracker-pulling! Credit: Southampton University Photographic Society

I had the minor worry of delivering the annual President and Vice-President’s speech (assisted very ably by my VP, Anna – whom it was slightly thrust upon!), which featured plenty of cheesy Christmas jokes and a list of ‘thank-you’s as long as our arms for both the night and term. After that, I was able to set about ‘throwing some serious shapes’ (as I think I said at the time!) on the dance floor, despite my unfortunate two left feet affliction, to truly see off the term in style. Once again, many thanks to Fiona for her hard work in putting the event together, to the Dolphin Hotel for being such hospitable hosts, and to the society for being such an inspirational and radiant group of people to work with – it’s an incredible honour to represent them, particularly on such wonderful nights! 

A good sixty or so people witnessed us putting our public speaking skills to the test at the Ball, to interesting results…! Credit: Southampton University Photographic Society

 … but we remembered to round it off with the classic toast! Credit: Southampton University Photographic Society

So…at long last, after tying up a couple of loose ends to some projects, it was time to make the long journey back up North for home, and the comforts of friends, family and a seemingly ever-stocked fridge! I currently find myself in the lounge, sitting opposite a roasting fire (pet cats naturally sprawled in front of it!), enjoying the company of family and watching some corny television, and firmly at the centre of the classic Christmas cheer buzz. After such a hectic yet enjoyable spell, I can’t wait to spend some time in bed (first and foremost!), before catching up with my siblings and all my old schoolmates (with plenty of stories to share!) over that classic Christmas spirit. 

The Johnson family Christmas tree, 2014 edition!

The tree is up, the lights are everywhere, and Christmas cheer is well and truly in the air – it’s going to be a fantastic one! A very Merry Christmas to everybody, and a Happy New Year for good measure! 


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