Sunday 29 January 2017

Looking ahead to 2017

With the Christmas holidays now behind us, this is the time when many of us look to make our resolutions for the New Year. The only difference is I intend to keep mine this year!

2016 was a big year for me personally, with several key highlights, from completing my Year Abroad in France, to gaining work experience in Spain, and finally getting back to Southampton.

Back home in sunny Eastbourne over Christmas.

Let's see what 2017 has in store for me:

1. Achieving at least a 2:1 in my degree

Now being in my fourth year, the finish line of my degree is in sight, and with that comes plenty of work. Languages in particular is a very difficult course in which to get a First, as we are assessed in every language-learning competency: writing, translating, speaking, and listening.

Ultimately I'm striving to get a First, but a 2:1 is nothing to be sniffed at, especially here at such a prestigious languages department. I've worked hard to get where I am today and I will continue to work hard to get where I want to be in the future.

2. Improve on my first Southampton Half Marathon time

2 years ago, I ran my first ever Half Marathon in Southampton, and this year I'm looking to not only repeat it but to improve on my original time of 2 hours and 1 minute.

It was great timing for me as the city hadn't hosted the event for several decades before 2015, but all of the hours preparing and training are worth it when you see the excited crowds cheering as you pass some of the city's landmarks like the Itchen Bridge, Bargate and the Guildhall.

I'm also going to be running for charity - details of which will feature in future blogs!

My Half Marathon gear from 2 years ago.

3. Get a job!

One of the extra pressures of being a finalist is looking ahead to graduate schemes and job opportunities, even with all the normal uni work. The process can be quite demoralising at times, as many of us have to accept rejections from our potential dream jobs but, just like our lives in general, we have to learn to cope with the difficulties and bounce back!

I have already had a rejection from one graduate scheme in journalism, but I've also been putting in the hours enhancing my CV and cover letter at the University's Careers and Employability Service. I'd thoroughly recommend attending a drop-in session, as the advice you get can be invaluable.

Phew! I might just need a lie down after all that. I'm also going to be busy in my Erasmus Society role once again, as well as going on a Spanish Society trip to Seville, and hopefully doing a bit of travelling some time before or after my graduation in the summer.

To a New Year and New Beginnings!


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