Wednesday 27 November 2013

One month until Christmas!

November is drawing to a close, the days are getting shorter and it seems as though the weather is getting colder every day. Waking up in the mornings is becoming increasingly difficult, especially when – as a commuter – I have to leave my house at around 6am! It won’t be too long before I’m scraping ice off the windscreen, I’m sure. In order to counteract all of these depressing things, I’ve been getting into the Christmas spirit over the last week. I visited the Christmas Market, complete with German bar, in Bournemouth town centre, for a mug (or two) of mulled wine. My Mum decided that mid-November was definitely not too early to put up the Christmas decorations and, whilst I’m not entirely sure that it’s acceptable, I have to admit our house does look lovely and festive. I did my first bit of Christmas shopping, which only served to remind me how chaotic it can be – I think I’ll be doing the rest online this year! And yesterday, I watched my first Christmas movie. It’s all a bit ridiculous, but if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, I suppose!

The German Bar, complete with infamous boot-shaped mugs, has become a bit of a Bournemouth Christmas tradition

Our gorgeous Christmas tree – well done, Mum!

My last week has mostly been spent filling in application forms for various graduate schemes, and sitting online verbal and numerical reasoning tests, in a bid to secure some kind of post-undergrad income. A lot of students get to their final year having never considered their CV, work experience or anything else career orientated. Luckily, back in second year (which seems like an awfully long time ago now!), I took advantage of the events and opportunities offered by the University’s Careers service. There’s all sorts of helpful information on offer, including sessions on how to write a fantastic CV, application form, interview and assessment centre advice, talks from top graduate employers about careers with their company and one-to-one appointments with careers advisors, not to mention all the resources in the careers library. It seems like a lot to think about so early on, but it has definitely made my life easier now that the time has come to start applying for jobs. Even if you’re not sure what you want to do after University (which probably applies to the majority of people), the Careers team runs events to help you explore the different career paths that are available to you. There really is something for everyone, and it’s a service that not enough people take advantage of.

My weekend revolved almost entirely around running, volunteering at Bournemouth Parkrun, and finishing off the week with a local 10 kilometre race. Parkrun is a fantastic initiative which puts on free, timed 5k runs all over the country, to encourage everyone to get outside and give running a try. It’s all volunteer-run, and there’s a great community spirit – I’ve only been going for a few weeks and I have already met some lovely people, and improved on my time! You can run for training purposes, to improve your fitness, or just for fun, and any ability is welcome. I absolutely love it, and if you don’t mind giving up your Saturday morning lie in, it’s worth heading down and checking it out.

Wrapped up nice and warm for marshalling at Bournemouth Parkrun!

Wearing my hard earned Boscombe 10k headband after the race

The 10k was my second this year and, although I didn’t do quite as well as I’d hoped to, I took a few minutes off my previous time and achieved a new personal best. The course was pretty hilly, so I’m using that as an excuse! I only started running last year, and when I went for my first run, I had to stop after about 30 seconds. Even though I’ve got lots of improvements to make, it’s amazing to see how far I’ve come and proof that, if you put your mind to it, you can do anything!


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