Wednesday 18 December 2013

Christmas break is here!

Not that I’m complaining, but I can’t believe I’m already on my Christmas break! It’s scary how fast time is flying by. I mean I’ve only just become used to the fact that it’s 2013… and in less than a month it’s going to be a new year yet again! I’m hoping 2014 will be at least as fun and exciting as this past year has been. In any case, I’m super excited to fly home to Sweden and see my friends and family, including my mum, sister and Belle our dog. Unfortunately I won’t get to see my dad until possibly the Easter holidays because he’s currently in Australia enjoying the hot summer. Lucky him! Although, to be honest, celebrating Christmas in the winter does have its charm.

Anyway, apart from the usual dance rehearsals and deadlines for my course (especially during the last week of term), I thought I’d fill you in on what I have done since my previous post. To start off the Christmas season I went to the Christmas lights switch on which the University organised. I thought the atmosphere was wonderful with fake snow, Christmas music and a small Christmas market. I really love it when people make an effort to put on events for everyone to enjoy! That same night I attended my first athletics social with my housemates - two of whom are members of the University’s athletics and cross country club. They were the ones who convinced me to go and ended up convincing my other two housemates as well. This turned out to be our first night out as a house (usually at least one of us is busy - it often happens to be me because my dance classes are typically in the evenings).

Me and two of my housemates

That same week I went to the last international and EU students meeting for this semester. I really enjoy these meetings because it’s a great chance for us to discuss any issues we might be having while we’re at university, socialise and enjoy a very generous lunch which is always appreciated. Since it was the last meeting before Christmas we were also given some additional Christmas chocolates and cakes. Yum! That evening I went and watched the new Hunger Games movie at the cinema in our Students' Union. I think the students who volunteer to organise all the screenings with Union Films do a fantastic job. It had been about a year since I last went to the cinema so I was abnormally excited. I wasn’t let down; the movie was absolutely awesome! That week I also had a lovely Christmas dinner with my amazing housemates who prepared and cooked everything while I had dance rehearsals. All I had to do was come home and eat!

Last week I attended the combined dance societies’ masquerade ball. It was a great night out and it’s always nice to see such a huge turnout because all the money we earn from selling tickets for the socials goes towards our annual Pure Dance show.

On Saturday, before my housemates headed home for the break, they took me to see the city of Winchester and to visit the Christmas market. It was absolutely freezing that day (and this is coming from someone who has lived in Sweden!) but I still had a lovely time. The city is adorable and the market really gets you into the spirit of Christmas. I almost can’t wait to get home, especially seeing as I only went home for two weeks over the summer, when I chose to stay and work at a shop in West Quay in the city centre so I could earn some extra money (which there always seems to be a shortage of as a student). My sister has told me that it's already started to snow where I live, so I really can't wait. Before I fly home '’ll be spending a couple of days in London meeting up with friends so I have a lot to look forward to. I just have to make sure I also find time for revision during the break, because as much as I hate to bring it up, exam period will be waiting for me when I return.

Merry Christmas everyone!


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