Friday 13 December 2013

Tinsel and treats

Well, it’s the final week of term (already!), the campus Christmas lights have been turned on and everybody is getting ready for a well-earned break. Unfortunately, my last couple of weeks have been full of deadlines, so it’s been some long hours and late nights in the library. Things are starting to wind down now, though, and I'm off to London next week to see some friends and family, deliver all my Christmas presents and get a 10k race at Regent’s Park in too, of course!

This weekend, my Mum and I are going to a local Christmas festival for the day to pick up some alternative presents and soak up some more of the Christmas spirit. It’s a fantastic opportunity to find something a little bit special, along with supporting local craftspeople and artisans.

Hoping for a new personal best this Sunday!

Just one of the gorgeous winter sunsets I've seen from my window over the last couple of weeks

I've also begun compiling my Christmas day menu, which is incredibly exciting. Being the cook in the family, it’s down to me to make sure we’ve got everything we need.  I’m a bit awkward when it comes to eating – I’m a vegetarian, and I can’t eat dairy, wheat or gluten – which means I’ve got to get a bit creative when it comes to Christmas dinner. Contrary to popular belief, I never feel overly restricted, and I’ve managed to come up with a menu that has not one, but two different types of Christmas pudding on, as well as a Christmas cake, truffles and gingerbread men, plus all the wonderful veggies of course! (Can anyone tell I’ve got a sweet tooth?!) I’m a massive foodie, and just because I can’t eat certain foods doesn’t mean I have to miss out, especially not at Christmas! We’re taking bookings now if anyone wants to join us!

A practice run for the big day – everyone loves a Sunday roast.

Aside from the big day, staying healthy over the holidays is always a challenge. Chocolates lurking around the house, mulled wine galore and more boxes of biscuits than I’ve ever seen. Everywhere you look there’s temptation in the way. Being the health freak of the family, I’ve so far managed to do pretty well. I love making healthy alternatives of my favourite treats or rustling up something from scratch when I get home from uni, and the nice weather we’ve had over the last few days has meant it’s still felt acceptable to have salads and smoothies, with the odd roast dinner thrown in here and there! A lot of people ask me how I manage to stay healthy at university, especially when I’m on a pretty tight budget, as a healthy lifestyle is often associated with pricier produce. Unfortunately, there’s no secret recipe, but a bit of preparation goes a long way. I tend to plan my meals for the week, only buying what I need, and preparing my lunches and a few healthy snacks to take with me on the days I’m at uni. Not only does this stop me snacking on crisps and chocolate, but also saves me money too as I’m not buying food on campus. It’s a bit of a hassle at first, but now it’s become part of my daily routine, I barely think about it!

Preparing falafels for my lunches and perfecting my recipe!

That being said, a little bit of what you fancy doesn't go amiss – it is Christmas, after all – and I'm off to have a mince pie!


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