Thursday 1 May 2014

Back to reality and new opportunities

I arrived back in Southampton last Wednesday and since returning I’ve been hit with the reality of deadlines and upcoming exams! I had a wonderfully relaxing time while in Sweden but have now had to switch into to ultra efficient work mode in order to meet all my deadlines. It was much harder than I anticipated to focus and get work done while I was at home visiting family and friends so I’m going to have to compensate by spending more time in Hartley Library over the next few weeks. It’s hard to imagine what life would have been like had I chosen to stay in Sweden and live at home while attending university. I guess I would have adjusted, but I think moving out on my own has been a really great experience in many ways and I've come to realise that I’ll probably never live at home again. I can’t really imagine moving back; I’m too used to my own ways now, but in any case it’s always nice to visit.

This photo was taken on my walk to the bus station the morning I left Sweden. I was really lucky to have surprising warm and sunny whether during my stay.

Leaving Sweden

So exams are approaching which means I’ll be occupied with revision for the next few weeks. Luckily, due to the dance season being over, I should have more time on my hands since our weekly classes will be more casual (now that we’re not rehearsing for any performances). Furthermore, tonight the Jazz dance society will be having our annual AGM and a new committee will be elected. I remember debating running for President last year, worrying over whether or not people would vote for me. Now I have society members facing the same hurdle and I’m the one trying to convince them they have nothing to lose by trying for a position. Nobody will hold it against you if you run for a position but are not elected, in fact most people won’t even remember. As one of my favourite quotes sums up: “doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will”.

Myself and the contemporary dance president after this year’s Pure Dance show. We were each given something as a thank-you for our work throughout the year.

On the subject of societies and committees, I’m excited to reveal that I will be the new president of the University’s Green Action society! Green Action organises events and campaigns to do with environmental and social issues. Over the past year they've primarily been focusing on a Fossil Free campaign as well as organising visits from several guest speakers. In all honesty, I only very recently found out about the society through a post on the University’s conservation society’s Facebook page. As I've mentioned before, I will not be continuing with dance next year (the intention being to give myself more time to focus on my degree) however I have long wanted to get more involved with some of the charity and volunteering societies. After being on a committee this year (and President no less) I had ideally liked to join the committee of one such society but thought my chances where pretty slim, seeing as my involvement was pretty poor this year due to dance commitments. 

In any case, I decided to attend the AGM for Green Action and find out more about what they do. After spending the first forty minutes asking questions and getting to know the current committee members I decided to run for President! My main interests are within food and energy security, both of which are strongly connected to many environmental and social issues. I’m excited to see what I can do with this opportunity and I’m looking forward to working with and getting to know some new and interesting people. But for now it’s best I get back to focusing on exams…


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