Monday 26 May 2014

The highlights

Today is my penultimate day at Southampton. This time tomorrow I will have taken my last exam, and it will all be over – the culmination of four years of hard work, and great fun – and all that will be left to do is wait for my results and hope that I've done enough to get the grades I'm hoping for! 

So much has happened since I arrived here, and it would be impossible to fit it all into one blog post, so here's a few of the highlights; some of my favourite memories from my time at university.

Freshers Week

Inevitably, one of the best weeks was the first. No work, no lectures, just seven days of no-holds-barred enjoyment, getting to know the people I would be living with for the next year. Some hilarious memories were made with those who would go on to be some of my closest friends.

The Zoo

A visit to Marwell Zoo has got to be on every Southampton student's bucket list. We went at the end of first year, and had a great day out.

Moving into the Castle

In second year, I moved in with a group of girls who I'd never met before, and it was one of the best things that I've ever done. There were nine of us, and the house we lived in was so huge that we nicknamed it 'the Castle'. I was originally meant to go to Japan in second year, which unfortunately fell through. By the time I knew I wasn't going, all my friends had sorted out their accommodation and I had to find somewhere by myself. I wasn't thrilled with the idea at first, but the girls were amazing, taking me under their wing and really making the effort to get to know me and include me in everything. We're still all so close, and I'm looking forward to being reunited with some of them next week in London. 

One of many birthday celebrations

Come Dine With Me

My boyfriend's house decided to do their own version of the popular TV show, Come Dine With Me, during second year, with a different person cooking for everyone each night. I acted as camera woman, and filmed it all, resulting in a 40 minute video of the entire week. Completely hilarious and an absolute must once you're living out of halls! 


This is an obvious one, and there really is no way I could pick a favourite moment from my study abroad experience. Watching sumo wrestling in Tokyo, skiing in Sapporo or eating oysters in Miyajima would probably be some of my top picks, along with just generally being able to live and study in Kyoto, a city which will always have a place in my heart.

Doshisha was a stone’s throw from the Imperial Palace

 Kyoto is particularly beautiful in the springtime

Visiting Home

Studying abroad also made coming home that much more special. Even though I only got to spend a couple of weeks in Southampton with my friends in their final year, they were some of the best. 

Celebrating my birthday in Southampton surrounded by my best friends

Running the Bournemouth Half Marathon

This is something I never thought I would do, and to be able to do it with one of my best friends from University was truly amazing. Such a great achievement for both of us, and a day I will never ever forget.

Very proud, if somewhat dishevelled


Perhaps a strange one – I'm not sure how many people would pick this as one of their highlights. But I really did enjoy researching and writing mine, and seeing it all come together in the end was one of the most satisfying feelings! I'm already looking forward to doing it all over again for my masters in a couple of years' time. 

Media Ball

I suppose I'd have to include being involved with the Wessex Scene generally in this one too. It's been a blast, and I couldn't be more pleased that I decided to run for Travel Editor last year (even though I'd never written for the Scene before!). I would never have thought that I would get involved with something totally new in my final year and make (even more) good friends, and I'm definitely going to miss it! The committee has worked very hard this year, and the Media Ball was a great way to celebrate. 

Celebrating with Tahlie, next year’s Editor

So there we have it. A select few of my favourite memories from my time here at Southampton. Aside from providing me with a lot of laughs, University has helped me develop both academically and professionally, which has left me more than ready to take on this new, post-uni chapter of my life.


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