Wednesday 21 May 2014

Summer break is approaching

Summer break is approaching fast and with the wonderfully warm and sunny weather we’ve been having recently I’ve really had to exert my will power and determination in order to keep myself in the library and focused on revising for my upcoming exams (my first exam begins this week!). On the plus side, while I can’t spend all my time outside in the sun it does make for a good revision break to take a stroll around the campus before getting back to work. I’ve already made a number of exciting plans for the first few weeks of summer following exams, so I can hardly wait until I’ll be free from this library lockdown I’ve implemented on myself. My plans include a night out with my housemates to celebrate exams being over, a trip to Paris with my sister to celebrate my twenty-first birthday (which was about two weeks ago) as well as to celebrate my sister’s birthday (which will be in the beginning of June) and I’m also looking forward to flying back home to Sweden again. My sister will be graduating from the Swedish equivalent of high-school or sixth form which is really exciting especially with all the cool and unique traditions Sweden has when it comes to graduation. It’s going to be a lot of fun to be there and support her (especially with my dad still being in Australia, I’ll need to make sure I compensate for him not being able to be there and cheer extra loudly!).

Photo taken during one of my revision break strolls around campus. The weather has been so lovely!

This photo was taken two years ago during my graduation in Sweden

One of the traditions in Linköping, the city in Sweden where I lived, is to ride on a tractor around the streets in the city centre so friends and family (as well as anyone who happens to be in town that day) can cheer you on. Every class in each school in the city hires their own tractor which results in a long parade of tractors carrying newly graduated students dancing, singing and cheering.

Here’s a photo of me with two of my housemates

With my birthday being so close to exams I didn’t do anything huge to celebrate but my housemates did take me out for dinner which was really nice of them. However turning twenty-one is seen as kind of a big deal so I’m looking forward to my adventure in Paris with my sister where we plan to celebrate properly.

Since my last post I’ve also officially handed over the Jazz dance society to a new committee who I’m sure will do a great job. The photo above is a mixture of the old and new committees which was taken right after the AGM

Also dance related, and a good way to end the year and my involvement with the dance societies, was the Performing Arts Summer Ball which took place a couple of weeks ago. This ball included a gourmet three course meal at the Grand Harbour Hotel and was a fun night out before the real exam revision period began. Right before the summer ball, which included members from the whole of the performing arts societies (ie not only the dancers but also the students involved in music and theatre among others), the dancers had our own small awards ceremony before we met up with the other societies. At the awards ceremony, each dance society president was able to give recognition to a few individuals of their society who stood out throughout the year.

Photo of me and a few of my former jazz dance committee members before leaving for the ball. 

With so many of my close dance friends graduating this year, it was nice to have a night out with everyone one last time.

Anyway, that pretty much sums up the last few weeks so for now I better get back to revision!


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