Wednesday 12 October 2016

My first post on Life at Southampton

Hi there, I’m Georgia, it’s nice to meet you!

What’s your name? Oh, not the talkative type I see – That’s okay, I’ll introduce myself.

I come from Essex… but people say that I don’t sound like I do - and in my spare time I run a YouTube channel, GeorgiaLHarper, where I make videos about every-day life, university, and  anything else I want to really! Have a look if you want to!

I’m really into Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and any animated Disney movies. I can’t live without music, and I like everything from The Smiths to Major Lazer!

I love animals, and I used to run a farm with pigs, chicken and sheep, (which I wasn’t very good at the ‘farming aspect’ of, but loved the cuddling side) and I have two cats called Vinny and Hercules, and a dog called Flo; I miss them a lot whilst at uni!

Vinny and Hercules
 My dog, Flo

I came to the University of Southampton in 2014 as a Science Foundation Year student, with a view to study Biomedical Sciences. Coming from an arts background, I had no idea what aspect of science it was that I really wanted to do, but I quickly fell in love with evolutionary biology, and decided to study Biology instead – which is the best, by the way!

The tutors here are all fantastic, and amazingly inspiring, they’re always happy to find projects for me to help on too! I am now a second year student here at Southampton, and I spend my days in Building 85 reading about insects. I run the Entomological Society AND the Herpetological Society (they’re great you should look them up) as you can tell, I like to keep busy!

I hope you enjoy reading my blog posts about my life here at Southampton, learning, researching, and digesting everything I get my hands on, fun things I get up to in the time in between...and more!


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