Thursday 20 October 2016

A week in my life at university

Hi everyone!

Welcome back to the blog! Today I’m going to be taking you through a week in my life as a second-year Biology student.


The day started with a 7am alarm for a 9am lecture in Quantitative Methods on Avenue Campus. It was simple statistics and experimental design, so I had all my notes written up by the end of it!

Straight after, however,  was an 11am Animal Behaviour Lecture on Highfield Campus. Luckily, it’s in the closest building to Avenue Campus so I had time to get a cup of tea to keep me warm whilst learning about learning.After the lecture, I went up to Building 85 (the Life Sciences building) to print off some papers so I could annotate them during my hour break, with vegetable sushi!

My Monday ended with a 2pm Human Origins Lecture about natural selection and genetics. I didn’t have much work to do in the evening as I wrote up quite a lot on Sunday.


Today I had a 12pm Population Ecology Lecture on Life Histories, which was fairly simple but had quite a bit of maths to cover, so I wrote up my notes from the lecture as soon as I got home, and attempted to make an excel spreadsheet, but failed miserably.

At 8pm my fellow tutor group 'parent' and I went to the Stags to meet our fresher 'children', and then at 10pm we all went down to Jesters (I didn’t stay too long as I ‘had a 9am tomorrow’… I didn’t!)

Feeling very proud of my layering techniques so I didn't freeze!


I didn’t have any classes today but I went in to work early to pick up some warmer uniform. I always have the excuse that I can wear it as uniform so I don’t feel so bad!

Luckily I didn’t start until 12pm but my shift ended at 6pm, so I decided that tonight would be a chilled night in re-watching Walking Dead, purely for the Glenn scenes.


Today I didn’t have any classes but I got up at 9am (because I’m an adult) and started on an assignment for Quantitative Methods. I did some reading for my Human Origins seminar next week and decided it would probably be good if I picked up some food.

I went down to the corner shop and got some crisps, instant noodles, raspberries and juice.
I spent the rest of the day doing lecture write-ups and then I had work from 4:30pm to 8:30pm, just in time for The Apprentice and a takeaway!


Today I had a 10:30am R workshop, in which I managed to break the programme itself, and then at 2pm we went down to the cemetery and collected some life-history data for a write up at 4pm, which went super-fast as I had already made the spreadsheet a few days go (keen).

We had finally ordered a food delivery at this point as we decided it had gone far enough!


I had a long day at work today from 10am to 7pm with a migraine (woohoo!) and in the evening I did some editing, and organised some bits for BugSoc and HerpSoc, before falling asleep at 9:30pm.


I spent a rainy day in the Oxford at their Natural History Museum, which is amazing, by the way, and you should definitely go if you find yourself in Oxford. There are direct trains up there from Southampton!

Then we went down to 'Crocodiles of the World' in Brize Norton, which is not only the largest and most complete collection of crocodilians in the world, but also an amateur one!

A jewel longhorn beetle at a microscopy exhibition in the museum

A green iguana sketch I did at Brize Norton.


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