Tuesday 18 October 2016

An introduction to my life at Southampton

Hi readers!

My name is Aditi and I’m one of the new bloggers this year!

Seeing as this is my first time blogging it seems appropriate that my first post is a bit of an introduction to my life here at Southampton, so that you get to know a bit about me and hopefully a bit of context about my interests and what my posts are likely to be about.

I have always enjoyed writing and being creative so when I saw this opportunity advertised on Facebook, I couldn’t help but apply. I’m so excited at the prospect of sharing my writing and interests regularly through the Life at Southampton blog!

So here are six interesting facts about myself! (Six because that’s my lucky number)

1) I study Human Geography with French here at the University of Southampton

2) I have just started my third and final undergraduate year

3) I just spent a semester abroad studying Geography in French at the University of Rouen near Paris!

4) I am president of Geogsoc

5) I have learnt five languages (English, French, Spanish, Hindi and Latin)

6) I once rode an ostrich in South Africa!

The ostrich we rode!!

I am very passionate about animal welfare (I’m vegetarian) and fitness, therefore you are likely to see some health posts at some point during the year! I also want to use this blog as an opportunity to let students know about amazing events taking place in and around Southampton.

Why I chose Southampton

High up in the rankings for Geography, with beautiful campuses and great city life, I could not imagine myself anywhere else! Only two hours from home, Southampton was also an ideal choice for a university that meant I could move away from home in London but could still easily pop back if fancied!

What am I involved in right now?

Throughout my time in Southampton, I have been renowned amongst my friends for being the busy bee! Forever keen to try out new societies and jobs, I am always out of the house!

I won’t lie, the prospect of third year did worry me somewhat with the intense workload that friends in older years had warned me about, but I was super excited to be back in Southampton and with my friends again.

I knew I could never just be one of those people who spend all their time studying or partying at university, so I decided to opt for extra-curricular activities that did not require strict timings!

This year I am president of GeogSoc, working as a student blogger (obviously!), course representative for BA Geography and a Student Ambassador! I am also participating in Jailbreak, so I’ll be fundraising for that.

Post University plans… (I never want to leave!)

I would love to work for a large non-governmental organisation in development, therefore I am currently in the process of applying for a Masters course in International Development and Globalisation at various universities. It is EXTREMELY time-consuming but hopefully it will be worth it in the end!

Thanks for reading my first post and look out for regular updates.


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