Wednesday 14 December 2016

Five New Year's resolutions from a tired student

After nine long hours travelling from Southampton to Oslo, I am exhausted and a big part of me is wondering why I’m still awake!

Then again, that is a stupid question, because of course I’m awake mid-December way past midnight doing my coursework – that’s what students do at this time of the year isn’t it? It is, but the fun part of it is that I know this will pay off later.

Talking about later, soon it will be a new year and a new year brings with it New Year’s resolutions. I love to hear other people's resolutions, so I thought I would take the opportunity to write down mine and maybe they will be inspiring for someone else. I actually looked at the ones I did last year and I must say I have committed to a lot of them!

Here are my “student” New Year’s resolutions for 2017

1. Write a spot on dissertation without going frantic! 

I know I’m complaining about the load of coursework already, and with semester two and my dissertation fully setting in I’m a bit terrified, but also extremely excited to start the process of writing up my dissertation.

In the New Year, I hope to make use of some of the services provided by the University and faculties which both help myself and fellow students with writing dissertations and coursework, and also workshops with advice on how to stay sane in all of this work!

2. Plan ahead

On that note, I also hope that with this being my last semester as an undergraduate student I will finally start all my coursework in good time. A typical student New Year’s resolution I know, but it had to be mentioned.

3. Apply for a masters 

So if resolution number two doesn’t work, at least I will have another degree to practice on! Hopefully this Christmas break I will have finished up most of my applications and find out where the rest of 2017 will take me.

Southampton is already on my list of places I’m applying for postgraduate study. Right now, I’m not far into the process, but once I have done it I will make sure to write a blog post with tips for other students in the same situation.

4. Explore more of the UK

I’ve already done a few blog posts on places I’ve visited in the south of England and I hope in 2017 I will have the pleasure of seeing Wales, Scotland (maybe Ireland too?) and more of the north of England. There is no shortage of flights from Southampton, my only problem is I don’t like flying especially not tiny aeroplanes, so this might have to be a road trip.

5. Get involved with more charities

I’ve already mentioned that I volunteer, but after my friend from university, Ellen, told me she was running the Prague marathon in aid of Action Against Hunger in 2017 I have been inspired to do something sort of similar. No, not inspired to run a marathon, but maybe start volunteering with a different target group as well as with Age UK, who I’m currently volunteering with.

Through the University, there is not a shortage of places you can volunteer with, so I don’t think this one will be very hard to follow through on.

I also have a bunch of other resolutions, which are more personal and probably not overly exciting for everyone to read about – but I would love to hear if you have any New Year’s resolutions and what they are!

This is my last blog post until the New Year so I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and fabulous New year.

Hopefully you have all had time to look at the Christmas Market in town before you go home


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