Tuesday 23 October 2012

A walk down memory lane…

It has been just three and a half weeks since I left Southampton to come to India for a break after my dissertation phase, and it already seems like its been ages since I have been away. Such is the addiction of student life and more so in Southampton, wherein the University students add the glitz, glamour and most importantly “life” to the city. The student phase is the best time of your life and indeed it is… when I look back and reminisce.

Needless to mention that I am missing the Uni badly and everything associated with it. I am missing my early morning walk to the bus stop amidst familiar faces, still fighting the early morning blues, to catch the First bus no. 7 to Portswood. I am missing the 93 year old Mr Daniel on my way to the bus stop, who despite the number of years he’s clocked up, could give anyone a run for his money as far as zeal and enthusiasm is concerned. I am missing the half a mile walk uphill on University Road, where I used to walk along the pavement in a line with a number of students pacing briskly so as not to miss the dreaded nine o’clock lecture. I am missing my daily cup of coffee from the library vending machine before the lecture. I am missing the warmth of the lecture theatre whilst I sat in the class taking notes in an attempt to write every word that the instructor spoke. I am missing the early morning breakfast menu at Piazza, the cafeteria at the Uni. I am missing all the hustle and bustle that used to happen on the SUSU red brick area… someone distributing leaflets for an upcoming play at the Nuffield Theatre… someone getting a questionnaire filled out for a survey… someone advertising the new student society that had been launched… or someone collecting donations for charity. 

I am missing my daily copy of The Telegraph along with a free Dairy Milk from the SUSU shop. I am missing the pun behind the jokes cracked by my favourite instructor in class as he explained the complex laws of fluid dynamics with so much ease, yet never missed an opportunity to ridicule us on our lack of fundamental understanding of the subject. I am missing having my lunch with friends at the lounge area of building 40, sitting on those monster bean bags and chatting away happily. I am missing my favourite corner cubicle on the third level of the Hartley library, where I had spent hours and hours for my coursework and assignments. I am missing running from one building to the other on Tuesdays and Thursdays to attend my lectures amidst a jam-packed schedule. I am missing winding up the day with my classmates with a pint of beer in Stag’s, the University pub. I am missing sitting on the lawn in front of the library, watching students go in and out, busy in their own lives.

I am missing all this as it was a part of my growing up in the University and shall always remain cherished and remembered fondly. I am missing the Uni badly as it is not just my almamater… but a way of life.


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