Friday 14 December 2012

Wrapping things up

And so the end of another hugely memorable term at University looms nigh.

I’d struggle to list the sheer variety of things that have occurred over the preceding three months as the higher education adventure has rolled on, but I know that every moment – well, excluding a couple of the late coursework nights perhaps! – has been savoured and appreciated.

Somehow during the course of my lengthiest spell yet in Southampton, I’ve managed to take part in Great Expectations as my favourite character yet, the blacksmith Joe Gargery; begin to learn how to sing and dance – although the prospect of the latter still gives me butterflies, and I often make a fool of myself to my reflection! – in the forthcoming production of Parade (showing in the Nuffield Theatre in March); practise some early stand-up comedy (hopefully with a view to a debut gig next semester); write my first ever article for student press; continue getting engaged with the Students’ Union through SUSUtv (the Union’s television station) and other avenues, and get to know many more vivacious and exciting people alongside those I was lucky to meet last year, juggling all this – by hook or by crook at times! – with a (fingers crossed!) successful term course-wise, which has been challenging but instructive.

Thus, as I find myself tying up loose course strands, getting prepared for the long hours of revision ahead, packing up and preparing to return to the North-West, I’m quite looking forward to taking a bit of a breather before pressing ahead into the New Year – preferably in front of a fireplace, given the recent weather!

As Jo wrote recently, returning home can often feel like the resumption of a second life. All of a sudden, different friends, different places, different paces of life (and the presence of parents, cats and a dishwasher at home!) make the transition between being a student at home and one at University a fairly disorientating experience, particularly when you realise that everybody else at home seems to be getting up at “normal” times – midday wake-ups somehow feel less socially acceptable when nobody else is following suit!

But although it’s initially quite confusing, after a couple of days I always find that I’m back into the swing of things as if I’d never been away, and I’m excited to see everybody again with new tales to tell and be told.

The final week of any term is always one of celebration as, with the majority of assignments over the hill, you can relax a little, and this time round has been no different. SUSU Theatre Group is currently in the process of casting its two larger shows for the second semester, and on this occasion I’m fortunate enough to be making an Assistant Directorial debut for the summer show “Keeping Down with the Joneses,”an 80s comedy set in a nuclear bunk shelter, alongside two hilarious friends. It’s already been an exciting and enlightening experience so far just pitching the idea and being on the other side of the audition table! We’ve seen a truly tremendous standard of auditions, testament to the strength of performance skills rife throughout the student body here, and we’ve a tough task ahead in the coming days selecting who we think best fit the parts.

The society also had its annual Christmas Meal at the classy Banana Wharf in Ocean Village, consisting of three sumptuous courses of soup, turkey and traditional Christmas pudding – probably the first proper food many of us have had all term! It was fantastic to give a term of Theatre Group success a great send off with sweets, suits and splendid company, and I look forward to the challenges it presents ahead – thanks to Aoife Thomas and all the organisers for a super time!

So all that’s left for the final few days is to do some present-purchasing in the wide range of shops at West Quay, tidy up around the house, spend some time with my housemates and then hop on a train back to the other world. It seems strange that such a long time period has passed so quickly, but when life is truly as engaging as it has been for me personally this year, I know I’d rather not have it any other way.


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