Monday 28 January 2013

A new semester

By the time you read this, exams, for the vast majority of the student cohort, will be over. Thank goodness!

This year has seen what's probably been my trickiest spell of examinations yet, sitting six in total (with five of those on consecutive days!), which ranged from performing computer evaluation traces to designing wrist-worn computer systems for children, so they couldn't be accused of lacking variety!

It was certainly challenging to soak up the necessary amount of content in such a short spell of time, especially with the knowledge that after you'd seen off one paper, you'd have to move straight on to the next. As always with the hectic University weeks, sleep was optional – but, on most nights, preferred!

But in the midst of the heavy workload came a bit of light relief with the recent snowfall. I know Flo wasn't a fan, but where I'm from, snow is a real rarity – and I can't recall ever seeing so much of the stuff! The main load came on the Friday of my exam week and, although I was disappointed to see my exam cancelled in the afternoon having already prepared for it, I fully understood why it had to be so – I could barely make it a few steps out the door without sliding around, and I'd have had to climb a hill to reach University!

Plus, after four exhausting exams already that week, I was quite relieved to have a day off just to relieve some of the tension and release my inner child, pelting snowballs at all and sundry!

Once we knew exams were off, the mid-street snowball fight had to happen!

And the next day it was back to the books!

Although it's always a difficult time of the year, there are some great bonuses to exam season. First and foremost, dietary requirements tend to go out the window; when people feel the need to snack or get take-outs or quench any undeniable craving, the presence of examination stress usually acts as excellent self-justification to submit accordingly. Personally I've gone through more packets of Hobnobs and tins of hot chocolate this past few weeks than I probably will in the rest of the year, which although probably hasn't formed the most nutritious of diets, seemed ideal at the time!

But it is also important, after a solid day at the desk, to allow yourself spells of total relaxation from time to time, with my breaks taking the form of occasional movie viewings with flatmates (with a female majority in the house these are often Harry Potters, Disney films or “chick flicks”!) or trips to the University's sports facilities at Wide Lane to play some football with coursemates.

And then, of course, you have the post-exam honeymoon period when, with the next semester yet to begin and no lectures or other commitments to fill the daytime, you acquire freedom from almost all responsibility for a short spell – so I always try to make the most of it!

So with the first semester's work finally completed and only nervous anticipation of results day to follow, what targets do I have for the second?

Well, although this has been said every semester so far (with gradually increasing success), I hope to try and get more done in terms of note-taking throughout the duration of the course. It's only when you reach the end of a term that you realise the sheer quantity of material covered in the lightning-paced informative lectures, and when you have to engage with that material weeks after encountering it, it's always welcome to have some pages in your own words to fall back on.

Fortunately I found that, in the vast majority of modules, coursework forced me to manipulate the content by requiring me to apply it in practical situations, but in more theoretical modules I’m aiming to produce more consistent work throughout – although I’m probably not the only one promising that to themselves!

Outside of the lecture theatre, I'd like to further my engagement with the Students Union's Performing Arts societies, particularly in terms of its Comedy Society, with a view to taking a leap of faith and attempting a first stand-up gig (although I may request that my housemates go along and laugh at everything before I agree to it!); the Theatre Group, experiencing for the first time the world of assistant directing in Keeping Down with the Joneses, a comedy to be performed in the summer; and the musical theatre society, Showstoppers, within which I'll be performing the musical Parade in the Nuffield Theatre in March – which partially involves dancing, ahh! Wish me luck!

But the wonderful thing about a new semester is that, although plans are already laid for the months ahead – including, perhaps, getting a bit of work done! – you're never quite sure of what's going to come next. Indeed, novel experiences have a great way of popping up every week, so there are sure to be fresh lessons, opportunities and experiences in the months ahead. I can't wait.


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