Wednesday 23 January 2013

Seeing the sunshine through the snow

There is one word on everyone’s lips at the moment; snow.

Snow. Snow. Snow.

Despite it happening most years, everyone becomes fascinated by this type of weather. Trains stop, flights are grounded, and somehow the fact that it is colder and harder to walk anywhere becomes a definite cause for celebration. Regardless of everyone initially acting like excited children – my housemate spent several hours, not revising, but making a life size snowman, bless him – for me, within about an hour, I am most definitely sick of it. It is too cold, too wet, too slippery, and instead of being able to watch the news the only thing that is ever on is the weather. I know the weather – it is always cold!

Such a productive use of time.

Okay, now I know that I sound very miserable, and I’m sure if this weather had come before Christmas I would have fully embraced it, but right now, all I want is summer! As much as I enjoyed making an igloo in my front garden or having a full-on snowball fight, it isn’t the same as a cocktail and barbecue.

However, I’m going to try and be perky about this and think of the positives.

1. Firstly, it is a perfect excuse to not do anything. Once everything else in the country has come to a halt you feel perfectly justified simply donning your onesie and doing the exact same.

2. If you feel old like me and Jesters isn’t calling out to you like it used to, this torturous weather provides a perfect alibi. If you have to go out, go to Sainsbury’s to get more hot chocolate, or go to the cinema (they have excellent heating) and if you haven’t seen Les Miserables I definitely recommend it.

3. If you haven’t sent off that letter you’ve been meaning to, and you haven’t finished that application, and your mother’s birthday card is still sitting on your desk – blame the snow. And the Royal Mail.

4. I actually saw the One Show recommending people eat more chocolate – it’s very cold now folks and we need some winter fuel! Heavenly words.

5. Start planning a summer holiday. Now this one is my favourite.

So, around this time of year, what with the dark evenings and having to wear seven pairs of socks to just feel my toes, I simply need something to look forward to when everything looks a bit bleak. This is my final year and so naturally it is hard. Indeed, I chose to quit my job and concentrate on my studies (the sensible decision), I also know that I should be doing something more productive this summer than gallivanting around some wonderful place, so if I can’t go away, you should!

Now these are perhaps all the wise words I can offer: Don’t waste your university summers.

I didn’t and as a result I have absolutely no money, but loads of epic memories. This is the time when you are meant to do those crazy things – you want to fly to Tibet, Zanzibar, Bolivia? Why not! What’s stopping you, you will have worked hard all year and you deserve a break – go on, indulge yourself. So for me, the best thing about the snow is the fact that I know I will soon be leaving it behind.

What I would give to be sitting on a sunny beach with no dissertation due.

So, if you want the snow to be a little bit more bearable get planning for fun things to do in the sun – hey, it’s not overcompensating, it’s called being organised! For instance, I already have a trip to Rome and Madrid planned. Give me a little more time and I’m sure I’ll be leaving for somewhere else too. And remember guys, stay safe in snow (the safest place is your bed). 


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