Thursday 17 January 2013

Want international experience AND a fabulous week in Strasbourg?

So, I know that many of you will be revising hard and therefore constantly looking for a source of distraction. Well, if you are going to distract yourself with anything, you might as well make it proactive. Apply for the Model European Union 2013 and do something great today!

Model European Union is a week-long simulation held in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.  Therefore, if you care about politics, or Europe, or languages, or writing, this is the perfect thing for you! You can apply to be an MEP (Member of Parliament), Minister of the Council, Lobbyist, Interpreter or Journalist. Whilst there you will have the opportunity to take part in simulated legislative debates at the ‘Council’ and ‘European Parliament’. This is the most prestigious scheme of its type and as a former participant and now a fellow organiser all I can say is DO IT.

Last year I was a journalist and the experience opened so many doors for me, I have made some wonderful friends and cemented my belief in international cooperation.

Ready to fight for a story in the European Parliament!

So, what is it like to be a journalist at MEU?

How do I even begin? This was not merely a writing opportunity – this was a reconnection of values, a learning process in European co-operation, a confirmation of the enthusiasm, kindness and ambition of all young proactive people.

Somehow a week shared with 197 other participants, from 35 different states who debated proposals regarding Frontex and PNR data managed to completely change my whole life ethos.  It is hard to convey just how much more this experience is than a simple simulation, how much bigger it is than purely writing on voting procedures, just how much it felt like you were part of something great.

There is a strong emphasis on the social side of this opportunity which makes everything far more comfortable; I went as a humanities student who had never studied European Politics, however all this takes is enthusiasm and engagement, because trust me, everyone here is lovely. Raising questions during a press conference becomes easy because you’re doing it among friends.

If I thought that the week would be one where I could sleep then I was so sorely mistaken, with early mornings and late nights, it was impossible not to form a strong relationship with your fellows. My INCREDIBLE journalist team became my family, supporting each other with motivation, working together to make deadlines, and sharing any MEU related gossip. We all fitted into our roles so well and after constantly spending 24 hours a day with the same people it was hard not to become so attached to them. And it was not just our team, it became natural to hear people lobbying in the toilets, fighting amendments on the tram and asking for a ‘point of personal privilege’ at dinner time.  The passion I witnessed during that week was completely unrivalled to any other experience I’ve had; it was necessary to be prepared to fight for your position because everyone involved respected dedication and commitment.

Naturally, I would encourage anyone interested in either journalism or European politics to participate in this opportunity. I got the experience of writing for a broadsheet one day, and then a tabloid the other – developing two distinct but equally valuable styles. I would be writing on a political scandal in the parliament one day, and then an infamous dance routine performed the previous night the next. The experiences of writing to deadlines and guidelines, writing within a team with a need for constant ideas produced a community of people who became both innovative and proactive.

I always want to thank MEU2012 for reconfirming my undying love for Europe; we have something so special in this continent, so unique – we are all so varied, and yet so alike. Ultimately, by the beauty and creativity of our neighbouring states we learn how to be a better Europe. In Strasbourg I definitely met the next generation of Europeans who will bring this continent to glory.

My wonderful fellow journalists – and friends!

Here is all the information needed to apply; - I really really encourage everyone to have a look at it – you only have until the 31st January 2013 to apply!


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