Thursday 3 January 2013

Hello 2013, I welcome you with wide open arms!

Now I am definitely one of those people who buys into the refreshing nature a new year can create; I get very excited and always think that this will be the year, MY year. Of course, this is year is bound to be amazing because it is the year I will finally a.) Organise my life b.) Become a better person c.) Write more letters – these tend to always be my thought processes and these always seem to be my resolutions, over ambitious and slightly impossible but so much better than my mum’s which is just to stop collecting more Tupperware.

Personally, I think the idea of a clean slate is very attractive. A whole new start to make this year whatever you want it to be. Last year, amongst a lot of other resolutions, I had to ‘Make 2012 Outrageous’. Now, I know I am slightly biased, but I most definitely think I did this. When I look back on my wonderful year I feel more than blessed; I couldn’t predict the events but everything that happened I have learnt from and has increased my development. I didn’t know where I was going in 2012, I started the year slightly bitter and angry, but boy was the journey of that year spectacular. I came back from my Erasmus placement in Barcelona which was one of the best experiences of my life, and though upset to leave, I returned to a house of people I loved and cherished. Throughout the year I was a journalist at the European Union in Strasbourg, I flew to China to complete a government funded programme, I finished second year, I travelled around Europe with some incredible friends, I started third year and I continued living with those people I love so much. When I write it down it seems like such a whirlwind, I cannot believe how lucky I was. It is important to remember that at the end of the day, we are young and this is the time for doing whatever we want, being entirely selfish, having fun, trying new experiences and indulging in completely outrageous behaviour!

So, I already knew that 2012 would be a tricky one to beat, that it had set a high standard, but this was a challenge I was happy to take on. My housemates and I decided to celebrate New Year’s by throwing an international themed house party in Southampton, which was an excellent way to welcome in the New Year. Despite knowing that I have a pretty spectacular life compared to many I decided that my main resolution would be contentment (amongst the letter writing/working harder than ever before/saving my work regularly/sorting out my life). Because this year is MASSIVE for me: I graduate! And, though I do consider myself a happy person, I am also one of those people who clings onto bad memories or grades, I hold a lot of grudges and it is not good.

New Year, new attitude.

Being satisfied is very hard, of course nothing is perfect and it is natural to think that we could have worked harder or done something differently, but, when time is so fleeting that sort of perspective is unproductive. Literally anything could happen and I need to make sure that my doors are permanently open to 2013 – the year of change, new opportunities and contentment.

Hello 2013! I already know that I am going to love you.


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