Tuesday 22 January 2013

The final countdown: my bucket list

As I type, I am part way through my January deadlines; 11,000 words of essays down, 4,000 more to go. After months of hard work and weeks of solid writing day in, day out, I am three days away from being free of my first group of essays (depending when you read this).  I could not be more excited at the prospect of sleeping in later than 7.30am and heading to bed at 2am for reasons other than studying. Though, of course, this is why I am here.

The end of these deadlines marks the beginning of semester two. The weather will slowly get warmer, and summer will suddenly arrive without us noticing. This semester will be my very final semester here at the University of Southampton and this, in itself, is a terrifying thought.

You see, this time last year when I was starting the last semester of my final year as an undergraduate, I was safe in the knowledge that I would be coming back to do my MA (providing I got the grades, which I did) whilst my friends and coursemates started to panic about their impending future as graduates. Whilst others frantically applied to grad schemes and internships, I knew that I had at least another year before I would be doing the same. I didn’t have to make the most of being here at Uni – I still had a year to enjoy it!

Unfortunately time has passed too quickly and here I am. One year later, watching the final countdown happen. Tick tock, tick tock.

Technically, I don’t finish my course until mid-September when I hand in my dissertation, which gives me the whole of summer in Southampton too. However this will be mostly spent studying in the library, whilst my friends are at home for the holidays; it won’t be quite the same. Therefore I have, in my eyes, just five months to go until everything changes once again.

As somebody who fell in love with university life as soon as I set foot on campus for my first lecture, the prospect of leaving for good at the end of the summer fills me with dread. Of course, it’s the opportunity to start a new and exciting life, to try something new and to finally try and make my way in the big wide world. However, as someone with a real passion for education, it saddens me that it will not necessarily be on the agenda every day once my dissertation has been finished. So I plan to make the very most of this last semester.

I introduce to you my Final Semester Bucket List: a list of all the things I wish to do, see or achieve before I leave the University of Southampton. Aside from the obvious ones, like ‘graduate with a good degree’ and ‘work my hardest’, I have decided to make sure I really make the most of my remaining time here. Even after four years here, there are things I have still never done, and now is the time to do them!

If any of you are also leaving this summer, I recommend that you make one too before you regret it!

My Final Semester Bucket List

1.    Finally sing at Karaoke at the Stag’s pub one Thursday night.
2.    Have a curry at the notorious Manzils Restaurant.
3.    Try as much of the menu as possible at Sprinkles in Portswood (an ice cream and waffle bar).
4.    Go back to each of my favourite nightclubs at least once before I go.
5.    Visit the Valley Gardens on campus.
6.    Go to one last show at the Nuffield Theatre.
7.    Go for a swim at the Jubilee Sports Centre.
8.    Go shopping in Portsmouth.
9.    Go to the New Forest for the first time since I was younger.
10.  Help with SUSU Elections coverage for SUSU Media.
11.  Go to the local roller disco
12.  Go to as many of my favourite films as possible at the Student's Union cinema.
13.  Have a day of picnics and games on the Common.
14.  Go on SUSUtv
15.  Go to Varsity 2013 (a big sporting event between the universities of Southampton and Portsmouth)
16.  Attend at least one more ball, award ceremony and conference at the University.
17.  Make the most of the extracurricular lectures provided by Humanities.

I’d love to hear your bucket lists, so if you have any of your own, or any that you’d like to suggest for me to do, do comment below!



  1. Do you intend to go back home to your family after university

  2. Hi Anonymous

    I would like to move out and become independent as soon as I am able to, but as I currently have no plans for life after my MA I will most likely be moving back home for the time being.
