Friday 2 November 2012

Santander Spanish Classes – 2012

After the second semester exams this year in June (which really were quite taxing for me with loads of assignment deadlines close to the examination date and five examinations with three of them back-to-back), I desperately needed a break. So I treated myself to a holiday to Italy and France and I will write about those experiences at a later date. On return from the much deserved vacation, I realised that my postgraduate classmates had already begun working on their dissertation and with the interim project presentation just ten days away, I began to panic. Ideally, I should have relaxed for a couple of days after the vacation and shaken off the inertia (posted all my excellent snaps on Facebook, checked the number of likes and replied on the comments) before I could gear up for my next goal i.e. the presentation. However, I did not have any such luxury. Ten days of hard work and I was ready dressed in a suit outside the lecture theatre for my presentation. The words of praise from the project supervisor meant that he was convinced and in turn, I was happy. I knew that the rest of the summer would be spent working for my dissertation. However, the summer got a kick-start with an opportunity to attend the Santander Spanish classes. Undoubtedly, the Spanish course was one of the best things I did this summer.

My love for the Spanish language dates back to my school days. However, being a science student in India hardly leaves any time for you to pursue such desires. One finishes school, joins university and gets busier day by day. Therefore, I had made up my mind that I would push my luck and somehow do a Spanish language course here at the University as the Centre for Foreign Languages at the Avenue Campus is one of the best in the world. During the initial few days here at Southampton, I remember visiting the Avenue Campus and putting in an application for a Spanish language stage 1 course. I did attend the lectures for two weeks with the most fabulous instructor Cristina G Hermoso. But I was disappointed when I got a message from the Programme Co-ordinator asking me to reconsider my decision of undergoing a foreign language, as the masters course I was enrolled in was quite intensive and thus, would leave me no time for any other course. I remember speaking to a friend of mine that evening and telling him that “Maybe, God does not want me to learn Spanish” and thus rested my case of learning Spanish by shifting the blame on to God and forgot all about it in a few days.

An email from the Career Destinations team in May asking for applicants for a fully funded Spanish course from Santander revived my love for the language. Santander Universities sponsors Spanish language training for a select number of Southampton students. Career Destinations, in collaboration with the Centre for Language Studies runs two beginner-level, intensive Spanish language courses in June. Students need to attend lectures for two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon for a week and also complete a self-study project at the weekend, besides three hours of self-study daily. Well, I did apply and very meticulously drafted my statement of purpose and was glad to get a call during my vacation in Italy that I was selected. To say the least, I was overjoyed.

I had enrolled for course 2 and it began on 20 June. I was greeted by a group of students from various disciplines; Humanities, Medicine, Geography, Electronics and Computer Science and Business. There were students from first, second and third year and two masters students including me and even a PhD student. In short, it was a good mix of students from various faculties of the University. The course began with an introduction from the ever-enthusiastic instructor Cristina. She warned us that we needed to progress on a daily basis to be able to cope with the class and also advised us that we should make the most of the opportunity as we were selected amidst a number of applicants.

It was indeed a very hectic course and I realised this as the days progressed. It was simpler to grasp for students who knew French, Greek or Portuguese but not so very easy for me (an English speaker) and one could see the students from Japan and Vietnam struggling as it was really very different for them. However, our instructor made the course as much fun for us as possible with speaking lessons, conversation tutorials, participation games and a few competitions to keep the interest alive and kicking.

All smiles - Santander Course 2 students with the instructor

As the week drew to an end, we realised that time had indeed flown. We had made some great friends and spent some wonderful moments together. There was so much to learn from each and every one of them. We had an oral exam on the last day and we really needed to practise hard for that. However, it went well and the instructor was happy with our performance. I was really grateful to the University which gives so many opportunities to a student to learn and perform. At last, my wish of learning Spanish was fulfilled and I realised that it was not all that difficult. Better late than never!


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